Cinema and non credit of MM

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by concretejungle, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. Why/How does the cinema sometimes show as films watched and the MM does not get credited to the game and yet sometimes does?.
    Has anyone else had the same problem as us?
    rakshit likes this.
  2. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

    Oh yeah. I've had it happen many times, beginning with when the cinema was new.
  3. minadaniel

    minadaniel User

    Is cinema going to work ever again?mine does not work for such a long time!!!!!!!!
  4. It all depends on if there is paid advertising in the country that you are residing in some countries get lots of films some next to nothing :(:(
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    As we have stated many times here on the forum this is a feature provided by external advertisers and we have no input nor control in any way with the outcome.
    The best I can suggest is that you contact the company that made the offer.
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