Cinema mulfunction

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nortoncommander, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. To add my bit to the issue, as reported several times already Cineplex exhibits some bugs which BP should address.

    I played video till the end, waited for about a minute after it finished, yet the system did not recognise the finished activity and did not award me the MM. The "Receive reward" button is not displayed on some movies.
  2. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Seconded. I've had this happen several times. Actually, it worked pretty well at first, and over time, started doing this.
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    It is sad that we have many people who are clouding the issue by posting false information forgetting that we can check everything is accounts.
    As usual you are totally dependable and give concise correct information every time.
    I am truly sorry you are having these issues and I know you think we are dodging the issue but all I can say is that some people are getting 100% others are getting a very low rate and nobody knows why yet.

    This is your latest log but I also see the rest of the time outs earlier than this:-

    Cinema srciframe_seed_buzz1287812 view 01.12.2013 23:10:26 -1

    Cinema srciframe_seed_buzz1287812 view 01.12.2013 23:09:35 Incomplete

    Cinema view 01.12.2013 23:06:06 incomplete

    I will keep talking to the team until we get this fixed ot the feature removed.

    Regards Pirate.
  4. I need to say that none of my pointed remarks have ever been directed at you personally Pirate and I hope you are very well aware of it. There's only so much a tech support can do and you do more than you can.

    My real issue here is a dodgy PR policy of RC management. They didn't even bother to inform their clients about how the cinema is supposed to work regarding 24 hour timer etc. Honest and friendly communication from management team can go great length in customer satisfaction, as people tend to be a lot more forgiving if they sense they are treated with respect and honesty. I wish I could bypass you some times and talk directly to them to avoid making your head even heavier with all these complaints. As this is not likely I'll rather slow down a bit I guess, or at least restrain my sharp tongue to user area. :)

    At the end of the day, it's just a game. Let them better fix it then remove it, and let's hope their communication manners will improve over time as that is really so easy to do and can accomplish so much. Thanks for all your help Pirate, and I really mean it.
    TellusXIV likes this.
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    As always you are inspiring in your comments, as you may guess many of us are more than disappointed with this feature but we do know the team are doing all they can to get it fixed.

    As far as bypassing me please never think that way I am very lucky to be able to speak my mind to the team and say what I really think and to be honest lots of things have arrived because they do listen.

    Anyway thanks as always for your input.

    Best Regards Lee.
  6. pareeya

    pareeya User

    i have a different issue wid the cineplex...i click on d the movie,n it shows loading icon n den it shows play icon bt wen i click on play icon nuuuuuthin happens....(n befor u u suggest to check my internet setting my pop blocker is off!)i had to refresh cos my game ws doin nuthin,so lost my movie n recieved nuthin!!!n dis is wats happening rite now too!strangely i am facin dis problem this time,i never had ne issue earlier wid the cineplex!!!
  7. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Actually, I can totally understand the issues with the Cinema. It's a complex task to coordinate the advertisers and a system to play the commercials and credit to the game for the player. There are so many possible points of failure that it's basically a wonder it works at all.

    However, as Norton points out, it's all in the communication. Call it experimental, beta, trial run, whatever ... just don't lead the players on with it. I, for one, am perfectly willing to try it out and report when it doesn't or does work. It's when they tout it as a wonderful feature and then it leaves you hanging that there's a problem.

    I'm going to mostly ignore the Cinema for a few days. The building looks nice and it isn't hurting me, so I'll just consider it a decoration until they can work out more of the kinks.
  8. So just for information:

    On third video: video played to the end, "Get reward" and "Finish" buttons displayed and enabled correctly, last layer displays correctly:
    Close that layer with "X" as usual displays:
    MM not credited, as far as I know.

    Wonder what the log says now. Does it say (-1) for first two (as I received first 2 MM) and "incomplete" for the third? :)
    Obviously it's not a simple bug as it does different things even with the same movie.

    EDIT: about 3 hours later I noticed that the last MM has been credited to my account also. So, after all that funy performance, now everything is ok. 3 videos played, 3 MM received. This might in part explain why somebodys claim seems to be false upon later investigation. Hope it helps somehow.

    Erm ....... just a wild idea. Could a lag in the system explain for this type of "failure"? Cause it seems like both the notification about completion and reward have just been delayed in this case. As if the communication betwen my pc and server was not exactly realtime. :)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
  9. maceta55

    maceta55 User

    I have had the very same problem yesterday and today with 2 movies, so I haven't been awarded 2 MM. Is there anything we can do?

    Thanks a lot for your help,

    ID 2683679
  10. Yes, you can. Start your own thread and correctly report your failures for mods to forward to developpers.

    Read my example above and make sure you report correct facts so that this problem doesn't become confused even more.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
  11. An observation I had today with the cinema when the video finished and the message of "Thank you for completing the offer. You may return to your game and use your reward." If you wait a couple of minutes and not "X" out of the window it will do it on its own and give you the MM earned, sending you back to the cineplex screen.
  12. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Yes it does and yes lag is a huge part of the issue but some other gremlins are at work as well (just to make life interesting).

    The team are working around the clock to resolve the issues.
  13. It seems the Cineplex is still a bit of a mess. Today it repeated the problem described in the first post for 2nd and 3rd video. The difference is the 3rd video didn't register so I stil have one more chance. :)
    To sum up, so far I got 1 MM for 3 movies played.

    EDIT: After refresh all 3 MM credited, so at the end of the day it looks again just like delay/connection issue.

    Need to add that for the whole day there were connection/loading issues for me. (loading logo in the middle of the game, self-corrected, or lost connection message, corrected by refresh, and occasional difficulties with loading the game getting stuck on 6 buttons of loading screen, corrected by close and reload)

    Not sure if this is helpful, but leave it here for now just for reference.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  14. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks Norton every piece of information is good and I have again added this to our devs report.

    I will close this thread now as I want to link to the comments and that will not work with open threads as they can be taken off topic.

    Again Thank you.;)
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