Cinema Timer + Ticket Sign

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nortoncommander, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Now that the Cinemaplex is up and running could we have the count-down timer visible as a tooltip, not just inside the building, and the "tickets available" sign visible without refreshing the game, both just like all other buildings?

    Or is it like this on purpose to make it more difficult to know and see when the next movie is ready?
  2. skb13

    skb13 User

    In a game where clicking is "the thing", one more click to check cinema isn't a big deal, is it? Where's your sense of adventure?
  3. I'm very management efficiency oriented person, also I resist repetition to large extent. If the game was developped to suit me there would be much better management console. Appart from that, what is adventurous about clicking the cinema to view the timer? :cool:

    Btw: You were supposed to say: "Great idea Norton! I support that wholehartedly!" So go to your little room, repent, then come back and change your confession. :D :D :D
  4. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    You have to click to open it, and then click again to close it :p
  5. skb13

    skb13 User

    The adventure is the suspense as you wait to discover if there are more tickets and films available.

    And you can use 'space' (most times) to close a pop-up.
  6. C'mon skb? You think that I am that silly? I shared already elsewhere that I use external timer to notify me when the cinema is openned again. :) Appart from that I could always put it next to the Tree or CH, run it in synchro and use their timers as a notification. It's just convenience I'm looking for. :) Small improvements make life and game more fun, you know. :)

    But really, game like that tailored to my liking would have well organised control panel with adjustable controls and warnings on the main screen, lot of cool options, variations, filters, colours and sounds. The way we do it is like stone age from this point of view. So truly these are just baby-ish improvements. :)
  7. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Great idea Norton! I support that wholehartedly!
    nortoncommander likes this.
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