
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bfreud, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. bfreud

    bfreud User

    Go to cinema to watch my daily commercial and it tells me no videos are available to watch right now and then checks it off as if i didn't watch it and now i can't receive my 3 mm today. I would like for this to work properly and if the loading problem is on your end then you should correct my video count so that i may receive my 3 mm for today.

  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    In case you experience any issues with a white screen, please check if you have any ad blockers activated. Moreover, the following things can interfere with the Cineplex: there can be internet connection issues from player side as well as from the video provider side. Unfortunately, you cannot complete the movie successfully in such cases. Also, sometimes no movie is available. Please be patient and try again later.
  3. Having just tried to watch the ad in cineplex which failed again with message no vidio available to watch
    since its inception i have only been able to see one add seems like this option needs some major attention
    i have tried clearing out my cache and used 3 different browsers
  4. taxadviser

    taxadviser User

  5. bfreud

    bfreud User

    well since I have been watching them I know it doesn't have to do with pop up blocker. That was a really stupid answer. The problem is when it said Sorry, no video to watch at this moment it will not let you close the window without confirming you want to close. When you click yes so you can close it out it marks off one of your videos that you have without me the player having the opportunity to check back later. If I go to it 3 times and all 3 times it says sorry, no video to watch at this time then I have used all 3 of my chances and have to wait 24 hours to have another opportunity to watch. So far today I have used 2 of them trying to watch without success. Understand now?
  6. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Closing the Cineplex window via (x) while no movies are available does not require confirmation. Only movies require confirmation. I am trying to reproduce your problem so i can forward this issue.
  7. I only received 2 out of 3 credits today as well. I had the same issue as above. I would like my other MM if possible. Thanks,
  8. Apologies if my answer isn't complete, but I'm not fully aware of all the problems with this system. The issue could be that the cinema provides links to advertisers videos. If these aren't available in your country or there isn't one ready at the moment then it won't normally allow you to watch (it had two credits still available for me, but would not allow me to click the 'watch now' button).

    Sometimes an ad-blocker could get in the way, even if the last time it didn't, as some advert videos might be pushed in a different way to others. Similarly, pop-ups might need to be unblocked for some but not all.

    The videos I got today played in a much bigger window, with advertising around the outside of the video window, etc. Please bear with us as this system is developed. Sorry if you didn't get all your 3MM today, but without the cinema there wouldn't have been any chance of MM today!
  9. aprbrt

    aprbrt User

    Hi I have had the theater for two days now and it says that there are movies to watch when I move the curser over it but when I click on it and open it up, it says there are no movies to watch. I have not been able to watch a movie yet. What am I missing? Why can I not view movies when other people saw movies yesterday??
  10. As stated elswhere, there are two aspects involved:
    1. The cinema building itself is on 24 hours count down timer, then it opens.
    2. Third party supplied movies.

    The cinema may be openned for you as the cool down time is over, yet no movie has been provided by third party. Whether these are provided depends on what contracts BP marketers manage to get in each country. No contracts, no movies, even with Cineplex working perfectly.

    Hope it helps you understand.
  11. aprbrt

    aprbrt User

    Hi Thank you, I do understand about the timer an the third party supplied movies, but when I read others were getting the movies I wondered if I did something wrong as it has been 48 hours since I added the cinema. Also it does say there are movies when I hover over it. This is the first time I think I read it was also country specific, which sucks bc people living in the states may get more rewards than people living in other countries like Canada. I hope you can find some sponsors in Canada!!!! Thanks again - can you answer why when I hover it tells me there is a movie?
  12. It's one of the BP's wording issues. :) It's just their way of saying that the cinema is now openned. Openned, but maybe not playing ........... lol. I know, it's weird.

    The content is country specific, so that the company advertising can actually benefit from the add. If the movie invited Canadian gamers to a wurst party in Germany it could hardly be called effective targeted marketing. Cinema works fine here in England. If it is the same as with similar projects, some countries don't have cinema at all.

    PS: and btw, it's not American game. I think it's best to live in Germany for movies........... :D
  13. Well, I am in Germany, and not every day we have 3 movies to watch... :(

    Also CfA has less videos than in other countries. One Matomy video from time to time, and that's all.
  14. You lucky gamer! How come you still have the Great Matomy, which used to give us so much MM? ......:D

    My CfA has no video since the Big Crash about 2 months ago. I don't even bother going there any more. :)
  15. skb13

    skb13 User

    Hi folks. Well, lots of opinions about the cinema - I'm finding it a variable experience myself. Like CfA, it seems to work sometimes, but no guarantees. Once I watched one advert, got an MM and then although I had two tickets left it said no movies available, come back later. Later it did have one, and I got an MM for it, but not when it showed it again for my 3rd ticked. Same today - got the same movie 3 times, only got paid once. I'd have thought it preferable that it says "No movies available" than use a ticket and not give you anything for it. But hey, so far I've got about 8MM from it, where before I'd have got nothing, so no complaints from me.
  16. aprbrt

    aprbrt User

    Really not very fair for the people who faithfully play it in other countries as I could use some mm and because I am off work injured I play this game for hours a day just to keep occupied and would love to have some sort of reward to help get further in the game. Maybe one day.....
  17. I understand your plea and would probably feel the same in your shoes.

    The problem is that it's actualy like selling a product abroad. If nobody buys it in a country, no wonder it's not exported there. Here BP sells their advertising capacity and needs to find businesses which want to use it and pay for it. It's their marketers task to persuade potencial clients that advertising with BP is worth money spent. You sure can imagine it's not a simple task to get this done around all the world. And you would understand also that it has nothing to do with how faithfully you play the game. :)

    Anyway, enjoy your game, with or without Cinema. At least you can't accidentaly lose your MM by clicking wrong button. ............. :)
  18. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    Hmmm just got hosed for the fourth time since this thing started... doing everything correctly on my end. Can't get out of the non-existing movie message without forfeiting the ticket. Grrrr...
  19. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I think the op is now answered so I will close.
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