cinema's issue

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by johnywaw, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. johnywaw

    johnywaw User

    i am still suffering from losing of my cinema's ticket without getting the pries
    it is showing that there film available and when you watch the video till the end it is not giving you the pries and when you try to close the window it tell you that you will lose the ticket without pries if you close
    any one still having the same problem
    what should i do for the that , since i have lost many tickets like this ?
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I think you are the 1 Billionth player to have this issue and the team are working with the advertisers to try and get this sorted.

    That was my 1 billion and 1 answer to the same question/:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  3. johnywaw

    johnywaw User

    yes thank you for your answer , i wrote that because they were asking as to keep report the problem which we face in the game , to review that issue
    any why thank for your kind care
  4. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Consider the number of cinematic treads I suggest that you temporary put up a sticky Techpost that can be updated when new info come.
    Something like "Problem with Cineplex(movies)? Look here first."
    I am sure it will still be a few new posts, sigh, but then we can simply link them to your post.

    If players are supposed to report this to help out they could do it there to so you don't need to needlessly answer every single one.
  5. Once the video is finished and it tells you have earned your prize, WAIT, don't "X" out. For me it cycled back to the cineplex screen on its own and I got my MM. You may have to wait a couple of minutes before it does this. Though it doesn't work every time, the same applies for if you get a white screen instead of a video, wait. The button at the bottom that says "claim reward" (or something of that nature) will turn green or show up as though you watched the video. Of course make sure your ad blocker is off first.
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks for this it just adds to what we have been saying but I hope it helps some of the players.:D
  7. shaman44

    shaman44 User

    I have been shorted 1 MM after trying to view the third film (which has been a Food Network video(YouTube?) both times.) When I click to watch the film, the window goes black and I can't refresh or try again. The message I get is one that says I watched the film already but did not get the MM credit. My wife has had the same problem for the last 2 days. I am medicineman108 | 6995263 and my wife is LadyVee | 7023165
  8. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I did offer to do this but for some reason the Dev team dont want a sticky highlighting the issues...dont shoot the messenger...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    nortoncommander likes this.
  9. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Sorry but please join the queue it is now around 3 Million players long.

    The team are trying to get the externals to fix thier issues but nothing more can be done here it is not a Bigpoint issue.
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