Cineplex and Switchoff of Emergency Response System.

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by -Wizz-, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    The Cineplex

    You can now open a movie theater in your city. You can watch films there and earn MetroMoney in the process. You can view up to 3 films each day, earning 1 MetroMoney per film.
    The Cineplex is available starting at level 8 and can be constructed directly in the city.

    Switchoff of Emergency Response System

    Starting immediately it is now possible to switch off the emergency response system. You can simply move emergency response buildings into your inventory, which then prevents further emergencies from occurring. You must take care to ensure that each and every emergency response building has in fact been moved into inventory, as otherwise emergencies could potentially still occur.
    If you do decide to move the building into inventory but an emergency happens before you do, then you must first resolve the emergency (successfully or otherwise).

    The inventory is not available during the emergency. Even if one emergency response building is already in inventory, it can only be restored once the emergency has passed. The academy can also be moved into inventory. If however you wish to leave it in place, no emergencies will arise — but you won't be able to assign the trainees either.

    The emergency response teams and specialists in the buildings are not lost, nor are safety points — you can simply leave hydrants and police surveillance outposts in place and they will continue to give mood points. They lose their functionality, however.

    Issues with white screen
    In case you experience any issues with a white screen, please check if you have any ad blockers activated. Moreover, the following things can interfere with the Cineplex: there can be internet connection issues from player side as well as from the video provider side. Unfortunately, you cannot complete the movie successfully in such cases. Also, sometimes no movie is available. Please be patient and try again later. We are working with our partners on resolving these issues.
    QueenVee likes this.
  2. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

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