Cineplex bug.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by xaviersxmen, Nov 28, 2013.

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  1. bbird

    bbird User

    just shorted me 1mm now, where can we get our ID number??
  2. Too much typing on this great looking forum. Let's blame it on MrMoritz. If he bothered to communicate, half the problems would be sorted just by that, as people would know what's going on and definitelly feel better about it.

    How about getting some lessons in psychology, Mr Moritz? :D :p :D

    If you need a good PR and you pay good money for it, give me a shout. But then you will have to behave becouse if I'll be your boss I will not tolerate these unprofessional manners. :cool: :cool: :cool:
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
  3. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    bbird, when you are not in fullscreen mode, look just above the facebook/twitter/youtube icons in the wooden border atop the playfield ... your user name and ID should display there.
  4. shaman44

    shaman44 User

    This has happened to me at least twice; I did not get at least 2 MMs credited. medicineman108 | 6995263
  5. Kerensky04

    Kerensky04 User

    I haven't seen these details listed in the past, but it falls under the "watched a movie, didn't get MM" bucket. Watched a movie today, but it did not have a receive award button at the bottom. When movie ended, it did not close window unless I hit the x and forfeited the MM.

    Overall, enjoying the cinema. Just hope the couple of bugs get worked out.

    Kerensky04: 6986067
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Please fill out a support request form as this is getting impossible to answer with so many highjacks.

    I will then take a look closely at your account and try and find out what is happening for you.

    I am closing this now as it seems everyone has forgotten to open their own thread.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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