CinePlex frame shifted partially offscreen

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dkarl2, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    I know you're getting a million complaints, but I don't recall seeing this specific issue documented. I am not expecting any response or resolution, just wanted you to be able to pass this new twist on to the developers.

    I'm running 64-bit Windows 7, SP1. I'm using 64-bit Internet Explorer 11.0.

    When I chose to play a film just a few minutes ago, the white cinema window popped up, but it was shifted down so that only the top half of the window was visible. I was able to start the film, but the "Get Reward" button was below the visible screen, so I could not click on the button to collect the MM.

    I tried turning full screen mode off (and on again, then back off again, etc.); I also tried re-zooming in and out several times; neither action shifted the cinema window back up on the visible, actionable portion of my web browser window. Oh, and there are no scroll bars on the web browser window when playing Rising Cities. Now, in full screen mode, the Cineplex window isn't visible at all; with full screen mode turned off, the playable RC window is where it normally appears in my web browser, and very top of the Cineplex window (essentially a duplicate of the RC window with the white Cineplex box superimposed on top of the now fuzzed-out city view) butts up against the very bottom of the RC city window.

    I saved a screen print as a jpeg file illustrating the cinema window position, but am ignorant as to how to make that available to you (the image button in this forum thread editing window appears to want me to save the jpeg to an internet location; am too tired right now to figure out how to set this up).

    I hope BP doesn't give up on the CinePlex feature altogether, as I believe eventually it will be mutually beneficial to both BP and the players.

    dkarl ID 6944883
  2. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    | ______________ |
    | | | |
    | | RC | |
    | | | |
    | -------------- |
    | | | |
    | | CP | |

    Above is my pathetic attempt to illustrate the windowing issue described in my original post. You'll note that the "RC" playable Rising Cities window in my illustration is shows as 3 characters high in my browser window while the "CP" Cineplex window is cut short at only 2 characters ...

    ... rats! formatting didn't take ... it looks good in my Edit Post window, but fails to display properly once posted ... but you can still see that the "CP" window is immediately below the "RC" window and that the "CP" window is cut off at the bottom of the overall browser screen.
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Hey believe it or not formatting may be glitched but I got exactly what you are saying here (are you also Australian....:p).

    Thanks for the info I have added it to my long list of advice to our devs.:D
  4. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    Southern California born & bred, although I'm no surfer dude.

    Hopefully the developers will have all the kinks worked out soon, and all this griping and groaning will quickly fade away into a distant memory, and the players will ask themselves, "How did we ever manage without the Cinema?"
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    If you are from California you are part Aussie anyway (that is meant as a compliment as I have spent a lot of time on your beaches...:cool::cool::cool:)

    We all hope the team gest this fixed soon mate.:D
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