Cineplex Issue

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by axholio, Dec 5, 2015.

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  1. axholio

    axholio User

    My Cineplex is a real problem. I can watch 1 or 2 videos then I get an error that says a plugin is needed. If I close and start over sometimes I get a video, sometimes I get that same message and sometimes I get a message that says there are no videos available. If I refresh the game, sometimes I get another video, sometimes I don't. This is everyday. Is there anyway to fix this please?
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    axholio The short answer is maybe. The cineplex content is controlled by an outside source (Not Big Point) so if the problem lies ther probably not, until the advertisement cycles out of the system.

    Have you tried the usual clearing the cache's, closing the browser, shutting down the computer or device, Then try rebooting the computer and use a different browser. This might help. If it continues we can reset your entire game and you might get some results from that. No promises on the result But, it comes with a reduction of Power and Mood, in your city.

    Let us know if after you try the first options and whether you want to have your game reset.
  3. axholio

    axholio User

    Yes I have cleared my cache and all the above. Like I mentioned, if I close the cineplex and reopen it, sometimes it works once or twice. And if I close the browser or relaunch the game I sometimes get the same results. But it's really hit and miss. Today it took me many tries to get all 10 rewards, but yesterday and the day before I was unable to get more than 2. I'd rather not lose my power and mood so I guess I need to just live with it.

    Thanks for the heads up...
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I am curious which plug in does it want you to add? Have you added the plug in? Have you updated all of your systems, ie Firefox, Adobe Flash etc.
  5. axholio

    axholio User

    It doesn't say which plug in to update, but I updated Shockwave and Flash just the other day and and everything else is current.

    When I get it again I'll post a screen shot.
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thanks I am bewildered and have asked the more senior people for help.
  7. axholio

    axholio User

    Sorry I haven't followed up -- I've been off line for a few days. Today I tried to watch and the player worked okay... I sat through a couple of ads, but the little green "claim rewards" button never became activated. I refreshed and all the stuff, but I couldn't claim my goodies.

    Edit: -I just tried again and watched a different ad and it worked okay. I will continue to follow up.

    Edit again: It looks like the ads for the Brother P-touch things are the culprit today. I just watched it again and got no reward.
  8. Luckylady

    Luckylady User

    When I watch the movies in the theater I usually get to claim a reward but for the past few days I watch the movie presented but it keeps repeating the same movie and doesn't give me a reward.Why? It appears that you are having problems with your movies.A remedy to this problem would be appreciated,Thank you.
  9. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Sorry to say, but the cineplex content and issuance of rewards is controlled by the outside vendors. The best we can do is pass the information along. Rising Cities / Big Point considers the Cineplex a decoration with a decent mood level improvement

    The "movies" usually run in clusters. So if you wait a few hours that particular topic will run its course and then you should get a new series of "movies". That usually changes the dynamic.
  10. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    In my experience, anytime a commercial continues to be displayed with no reward, there are usually no others to see at the time and the one in question usually gets removed from circulation soon after. Can only assume it has to do with the amount of ads contracted at any given time and them not being removed normally once said contract expires.
  11. I have merged both of these threads as they are a cineplex issue .
    to keep this forum open for further comments I will move this thread to speakers corner :)
  12. axholio

    axholio User

    Is there another way to earn MMs? That's the only reason for the Cineplex, and I was under the impression that's why you have it - so we can earn... and you guys get paid real money for all the ads that are watched.
  13. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    There are several ways to gain MM's. The first is to actually buy them. Every event offers some MM's as awards. There are two a week. The Loot-O-Matic awards MM's but this is random. The city hall also occassionally yields MM's. There are also certain special awards that yield MM's (The Christmas Tree for example)

    So the Cineplex is not the only source of MM's and it is possible to play the game with out using MM's. It takes longer and also requires planning and fore thought.

    Something we have not suggested before. Have you tried demolitioning the Cineplex and rebuilding it. It is really cheap to re-build. 100 cc's and no materials.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  14. I've tried the demolishing of the cineplex and rebuilding it - it made no difference to me, but others may have better results.

  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Dom, It all depends on the issue involved. Sometimes demolishing and rebuilding a feature resets the flags in the program. Sorry it did not help you. :(
  16. It's ok, BJ, it doesn't bother me to the degree where I'm going nuts over it. It would cause so many fewer issues for the dev team and the forum mods if it worked smoothly, as so many of the forum issues seem to revolve around something that there is 3rd party control over.

    It would be nice to get the MM, sure, but it's not like the game devs owe me that. I'm playing a great game for free. There are issues, but most of them are minor and easily and quickly resolved. So I'm a happy little mayor, determined to have fun and help where I can, without canning those that are working to make the game better.
    tassie-devil likes this.
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Dom you are correct as usual. That is a great way to look at it. It is annoying when the cineplex does not work, but it has gotten so much better over time.
  18. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    Given that the Cineplex does not function correctly, why not eliminate the movie aspect of the building and let it die? Over the last two weeks, I believe I have been able to view maybe as many as three movies/ads in that time frame. That's a ridiculous and insulting number given the game states that we are able to watch as many as ten (10) movies each day. As it stands now, it is only good for raising the mood level and using electricity.

    Brian Smith 9655242
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    No where does it say you will get ten videos a day. It is stated you can get up to ten videos per day. The number of videos is based on the number of vendors interested in advertising in your area. If only three are advertising at your location then the number available is three videos.
  20. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

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