Cineplex Problems

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by tassie-devil, Sep 16, 2015.

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  1. G`day Mayors,
    We are all aware that a lot of players are experiencing problems with the Cineplex, sometime within the next few hours the problem with the Cineplex button will be repaired.
    We are looking forward to your feedback on this issue, also if there are other issues with this feature please also let us know and a screen shot will greatly assist us in looking for any issues that we need to look into.
    Your rising Cities Team :)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  2. yay the red "X" is back . thing is now we get. this message now. "
    Unsupported Size for Ad Unit.
    Ad unit is currently 425x150. Minimum supported size is 300x250. maybe we can get movies that fit too?
  3. tgrace45

    tgrace45 User

    im able to play the videos, but nothing happens afterward.
  4. axholio

    axholio User

    I had an ongoing thread about my adventures in the Cineplex, but it's been removed (I thnk)... Here's the screen shot I was going to show you about the plugin error I get.

  5. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Your thread still exists, though it was merged with another:

    Normally, I don't think you should need any sort of plugin, other than Flash, which you obviously have. Plugins are about dead now in favor of HTML5, so it's unlikely anything would still be relying on anything else that I am aware of. Quicktime is a possibility, as it's being depreciated and still saw some use. Your browser will normally display a dialogue at the top, and clicking on it will usually show the name if it isn't already shown. Clicking on the ad might as well. It's also possible you have a blocker, but normally whitelisting RC lets things play normally.
  6. axholio

    axholio User

    Nope... what you see is what I get... lol.
  7. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you Arsuru once again. axholio, I beleive this is an issue between your devices and the Ad. I do not know if we can help in this situation. Have you tried using another device (computer, tablet, etc.) what happens in that case?
  8. G`day Axeholio,
    Both Arsuru and S.C have both made some good points and are most likely correct, however thanks for the screen shot I will include this in my weekly report and the Devs may be able to supply a answer to this.:)
    for futher comments please use your other thread that Arsuru has so kindly placed in his post
    I will close here now as there are so many other threads still open on the cineplex issues
    s.c.lynx likes this.
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