Cineplex Tickets

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nortoncommander, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. Hi Pirate,

    I place this here but it's rather a suggestion than a complaint. It could be viewed as a bug though.

    Sometimes the movie offer is withdrown by vendor after specified number of hits and when movie is started it displays "this offer is no longer available" message. Which is I guess perfectly correct function.

    The ticket though had been taken (and no MM rewarded) despite no movie being played. Which is due to ticketting being done right at the start of the movie playing process, actually before the movie availability is checked.

    If the ticket collection was moved a bit down the process after the Cinema "knows" the movie has been played, not before any action/check is taken, but rather after movie playing was finished or at least started, that would easily correct the issue. The ticket could actually be collected after pressing confirmation button "Receive your reward" at the end of movie.

    Not sure if I expressed that clearly enough as I'm trying to be brief. This has happend to me and from what I read to others also. Feel free to close the thread if my suggestion is clear to you as no further action regarding my ticket "loss" is required.

    Thanks for all your help. :)
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  2. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    That is a great idea! I hope the team will consider that change...not sure how many tickets I have had taken before I could watch the supposedly available 'film' and not receive the MM.
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I will include this in my new Year report (the team are away until then).

    Thanks for the suggestion.:D:D:D
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