Cineplex "YouTube" Problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by QueenVee, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    Allo... ;)
    First <Happy Holidays, and a Pleasure to say "Bonjour" to You, Sorry for the reason though... Smile and breathe.. it's about the 'plex.. again.. Sorry ahead of time..
    I wasn't going to evre have written to You.. But I beleive that I have been more than "patient" .:confused: To date ... I have lost 12 MM.. and this is only for the Cineplex..
    Yesterday , I had gone to the Cineplex and I had been blessed to actually,BOTH.. watch "And" receive 1 MM,successfully.:):).and I had been returned to the screen ,wereby it asks you if you want to "Watch, another film?"
    I had ,with faith, pressed on the " OK" to watch anothre film. Then,a white small box had opened; (At this point, I was feeling pretty happy )as I had thought that I was going to actually "Watch" and receive 1 MM for having done so , again..
    Sadly, not the case.:confused:. The white box had opened -up, and there was a " small picture and Words about this Taboo(n) (?) drink ... I had clicked ok, and it had opened My "Entire" :confused:screen to the "YouTube " page. I had wached the film, yet I had no way to return to RC.. Except to refresh the page.. So at this point, I had only lost "1"MM..
    I had decided , to wait ,for a while and try again..(hoping that I was Not going to have a similiar problem happen to Me), once again.. Well,not the case.. it had done the "almost "exactly" the same thing as I had stated above.
    The only difference, was that I had an approx. 2 -3 sec. opportunity, to click on the "Box"Get Reward"(?) or something to that language.. sadly, at the point I was about to click on the box, to receive My reward..It had once again brought Me to YouTube.. again. What is going on with this? I can't have been the ONLY person ,that this hapened to.. Plz help.. Thanx ..!
    I hope that You,are able to comprehend My "broken English".. Happy Holidays:)..Pirate Lee.. Gros Biz... LadyVee aka QueenVee...... <3

    User=id= LadyVee(Forum name: QueenVee)
    Lvl:26 ++
    Joined :09/03/2013( approx..)
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Hi again
    We have so many players with your exact problem we have all lost count, we are getting dozens of emails/tickets every day from around the world.

    All I can say is the dev team are trying to work with the external providers to get this feature working as it should.:(:(:(
  3. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    When I have watched a movie I always click ok, leave the building and wait 30s-1min before looking at next movie, I have failed only a few times.
    If this effect anything or if its luck, or rather others are unlucky, I don't know.
    If this help anyone then fine, if not well your not worse of at least.
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks for this as lag does appear to be our biggest issue in this feature.
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