
Discussion in 'FAQs' started by -Wizz-, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User



    The Cineplex has finally arrived in Rising Cities, and it comes with goodies!

    Q: What level is Cineplex available from?
    A: Cineplex is available from level 8.

    Q: Where can i find the Cineplex?
    A: This new building is available in the Designer Depot, specials section.


    Q: What benefits come from building the Cineplex?
    A: You have 10 movie tickets available, each has a chance of rewarding 15MM after watching a movie.

    NOTE!: There will not always be 10 movies available because this is also correlated with each country's advertisers.

    NOTE!: Reward will be credited only after successfully watching a movie. (Sometimes ad-blockers, invalid movies or other reasons outside Bigpoint mechanics can invalidate a reward.
    sams26422701 likes this.
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