
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MI.Calgon, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    I tried to look for an answer in other parts of the forum, but there doesn't seem to be any info added yet about the cineplex. Apologies if I somehow missed it.

    I thought it had been at least 24 hours since I last watched a film for MM. ;) Again, either my brain is half-frozen or my blonde roots are getting deeper. LOL -- Since there is a chance that this is a tech issue, I'm sharing what happened to me and one of my children today.
    When I attempted to earn more MM via the cineplex, I get a message that there are no films available. However, when I hover over the cineplex just prior to clicking to begin earning MM, it shows a message "Film Available".
    My child got the same message and it has been approximately 48 to 72 hours since they last viewed films for MM.
  2. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    A related cineplex question would be: Are the films strictly available only after the start of each new day or must there be 24 hours in between each of the last videos an individual viewed?

    For example: If on Monday, January 5th, (I just chose a random date.) one video is viewed at 9:13 AM, the second viewed at 9:22 AM, and the third at 9:25 AM, can the first video of Tuesday, January 6th, be viewed as soon as it is available on that day or must a person wait until 9:13 AM to watch it? Likewise, must they wait until 9:22 AM on Tuesday, January 6th to watch the second, or can it be viewed as soon as the first video of Tuesday, January 6th is viewed?

    Hope that all makes sense!
  3. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    :p Nothing like talking to yourself....:D

    There does seem to be some kind of glitch. This happened to me previously and I believe it was mentioned on the 'old' if I'm repeating something that is already known, ignore this portion of the thread.

    I have been able to watch two videos now tonight....sort of. The second started out with something like this across the top..."Watch", "Review", "Reward".
    I clicked to watch, heard & saw only a few seconds of video, then the "film box" which disappeared momentarily, reappeared with the "Collect Reward" tab.

    The first video did basically the same thing: a few seconds of the "film", then "Collect Reward" tab appears.
    *I was able to collect the MM, just not fully watch the videos as I thought I would be able.
  4. Babs

    Babs User

    Hello MI. Calgon. First, sorry for my English is not good, but I'm French and I was curious to see the other forums.

    To answer your question, the cinema can deliver three films a day, but it may be less. Do not worry so no he did not have the three films.

    Just like you, I noticed that the films back every 24 hours. In fact, I viewed when I get home from work at 2am and days when I go earlier, I can not do it.

    I hope I have answered your question, and not having made too many mistakes in language.

    Have a nice evening
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  5. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    To complete Babs answer, we do not control what the Cineplex shows, movies are made available by our partners. So do not worry if there are no movies available at a certain time, just return later and see if they returned.
  6. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    Does that mean it may take longer than 24 hours for the chance to begin to earn another 3 MM?
    :) I'm thankful for the relatively simple way to earn MM even if it takes a bit longer than expected. :D I'm saving those I'm earning for a lighthouse and some other decor to help maintain my city's excellent mood.

    RCID: 6909312
  7. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    During a 24h period you cannot receive more then 3 Cineplex films, but we cannot assure you that everyday there will be 3 available. Sometimes movies come later or not at all. We will work with our partners to have these available daily.
  8. Put simply:
    • There is 24 hours cool down time on Cinema Building itself when you cannot access the cinema.
    • There is availability of movies once the building is unlocked based on third party suply.
  9. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    :) Thank you!
  10. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks to all for the answers and I am sorry for the delay here we are all getting used to the new forum and I was away for a day or so to make things worse. :)
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