
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by FoxyB, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. FoxyB

    FoxyB User

    I waited for 24 hours and I was able to watch 2 films, but when I went to watch the 3rd film it says that there are no films available.

    If I do not get a chance to watch the 3rd film before the 24 hours are up...will I loose my 1 movie ticket.

    What should I do in a situation like this?

    Thanks, FoxyB
  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Cineplex gives a max of 3 films per day but sometimes there are just 1 or 2 available, movies are made available by our partners so we do not control what they show. So do not worry if there are no movies available.
  3. FoxyB

    FoxyB User


  4. DAVE111117

    DAVE111117 User

    Cineplex, I finally had movies to watch when I did they wouldn't load I had to "X" out and it says I would not receive credit (mm). you need to fix this problem its happened to me 5 times now where the movie starts but won't play
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  5. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    In case you experience any issues with a white screen, please check if you have any ad blockers activated. Moreover, the following things can interfere with the Cineplex: there can be internet connection issues from player side as well as from the video provider side. Unfortunately, you cannot complete the movie successfully in such cases.
  6. MJD31

    MJD31 User

    No film available for 3 days (over 72 hours). What's going on?
  7. donna2013

    donna2013 User

    Ook wij hebben al 3 dagen geen films ter beschikking, terwijl er gezegd werd dat er elke dag films zijn, hoe kan dit?
  8. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Cineplex Movies are made available by partners not by Bigpoint directly. We allow a maximum of 3 movie tickets per 24h, however how many movies are being made available is not under our direct supervision.

    Please post in english. For other languages please visit correct Forum.
  9. chef2684

    chef2684 User

    I'm sure you don't need another comment on this topic..but true if I'm lucky ill see 1 of the 3 movies..other than that .i always get this message
  10. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    This issue has been reported but please post your ID so we can investigate for your account also.
  11. _Bill50_

    _Bill50_ User

    Just a heads up to your movie suppliers, my movies are in German. They are running fine and I am receiving credit. I can tell what the are for and have seen these in English but they are over dubbed in German.
  12. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    I was able to successfully watch two videos one immediately after the other earlier today and when I went to watch the third in succession because I believed I would be able to complete my viewing for the day, I got this same message as well.
    :( There unfortunately is no option to not have a ticket taken away when that message shows up. The ticket is automatically taken away before the message shows up that there is no film available.

    :confused: Perhaps, it may help others to do what I *usually* do: after watching a video, I normally "exit" the cineplex to see if it shows that more films are available. I did not do that when I was trying to earn the MM. I clicked the tab which I believe says, "Continue to view films" (or something very similar).
    :rolleyes: That will most likely be what I do from this point on so that I don't lose my chance at that valuable MM!

    :( Just notice that my signature line doesn't show up in the posts.
    My RCID #: 6909312
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 1, 2013
  13. You need to enable viewing signitures in your profile settings my friend. :)
  14. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    I'll say thank you again, nortoncommader, in case you missed it in the other thread. I didn't realize it was default setting to have signatures hidden. (still getting used to this new format:p)
  15. And I'll say you're welcome again, in case you missed it in the other thread. :D

    I'm using all these Alert, Watched thread, Watched forums, News feed functions. If they had New Posts and Today's Posts buttons here, these other would be a very nice supplement. Without them, these do nearly the same job, but in a more complicated way. So it's a step from efficient simplicity to fancy mess. :) That's called "progress". Just saying I understand your "getting used to" .......... :D
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  16. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    :eek: Grr...Just frustrated now....I clicked the cineplex just a few moments ago when it showed films were available from my city view. When I "entered", I got a "green light" to view as it showed there that a film was available to view. Not happy that it showed the big gray circle with white X and "Sorry, we do not have any videos for you at the moment." message. :mad: grrrr....When I click the X in the upper right corner, I then get this message:
    "Uh oh! You'll need to watch the film until the end to receive your reward. If you don't, you'll still be credited with one cinema visit and no reward."
    How can I watch a film until the end if it won't even start!?!

    *sigh* Sure hope this issue get fixed!:rolleyes:
  17. That's bad concept of programming. What's worse, that BP denies responsibility for it, while it is clear that nobody else is responsible for how their game work. Meaning they will not fix what they claim are not responsible for. They could have partially get away with this silly excuse with external CfA. They can hardly fool anybody with it when it's their building in their game. If in doubt that this is so, all you need to do is go and check how different team of the same company treats the same issues in another game.

    Shall we refresh our old phrase and say that it's fishy? :cool::D:cool:

    Maybe I should start second version of my "Quick fix" - don't go to the cinema.
    And then, the third one: Quick fix for all RC bugs: Play another game. :D

    Nah, just kidding. :) Not that bad yet. :cool: I actually like the game. I just don't like the management manners.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
    bonsaijim likes this.
  18. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    Isn't that typical of most programmer's attitudes?
  19. skippyroo1980
    if you click to go back to the film you will get the collect button after 2 or 3 minutes i have to do that every time i watch it
  20. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    I did try that this time and even tried to refresh, but to no avail. :(
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