
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by megamusicmaker, Jan 14, 2016.

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  1. The film showing at the cineplex don't work , it has been like it for about a week now so I am unable to collect money .
    SnakeLady38 likes this.
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    megamusicman I am not sure what the issue is you are stating. Are you saying the film is not available to view (No more videos available) or that you are not able to play the videos that are there?

    If the "film is not available"; That happens from time to time depending on which market you are located in. Some locations rarely receive any videos or offers. It all depends of weather a marketer wishes to advertise in your are.

    If you are not able to play the videos that are listed as being available; Then we need to know some more information. Which video, where are you located. So we can pass it on to the appropriate people. Most of the videos have a fairly short life span in the cineplex and new ones often replace the malfunctioning fairly quickly.

    If the cineplex does not work at all; Have you done the usual clearing the browser and Adove Flash cache's. if that does not help try moving it into storage and back into the play field, that some times work. If worse comes to worse in this situation bulldoze the cineplex shut down the game and reboot server or try a different server, Then restart the game and rebuild the cineplex it will be in the special offer section of the Designer Depot.

    Good luck. Have fun building your city
  3. no its one of the videos that isnt playing the rest was working fine ,
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you which video so we can send the information in our reports? Has the Video cycled out all ready?
  5. it is the one for supersonic , when you press the play button it just shows black screen , with the logo at the top
  6. We include cineplex problems in my weekly report on a regular basis
    it is probably best if you bypass this ad for the time being it will be dropped from the cycle after a day or two
    Were always happy to help nice players:)
    As there is nothing further we can do from here I will close this thread
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