
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by natasacity, Dec 2, 2013.

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  1. natasacity

    natasacity User

    why not working cineplex natasacity:(
  2. super_emu

    super_emu User

    So the cineplex doesnt always have videos available, are you able to click the button watch video? If so and nothing happens, do you have an ad-blocker?
  3. natasacity

    natasacity User

    I know it.when you start the movie it does not work
  4. kimberudis

    kimberudis User

    I have watched the films 4 separate times and clicked success and then it said that i had to watch the film. I couldn't because I already had. Now I don't have the dollars that I was supposed to get even though I watched the films. why is that happening
  5. They say it's a new system for them and the devs are trying to make it work. So far it works good for some, not as good for some others. Wait for the fix.
    kimberudis likes this.
  6. super_emu

    super_emu User

    Yup probably glitching...this has happened to me. I click it nothing comes up and I waste a ticket.
  7. kashunna

    kashunna User

  8. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    The team are working with the advertisers to try and get these issues resolved.
  9. natasacity

    natasacity User

    thanks to all;)
  10. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I think this is all we can do here until the issues are resolved so I will close.:confused:
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