City Beautiful ideas

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tamy, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. Tamy

    Tamy User

    The two suggestions I'd like to make will not improve the game strategy, so they are intended mostly for those of us silly people, who are playing just to see something beautiful slowly grow on our computer monitors, and do not care about accumulating virtual wealth and power. If you belong to this group, I think these ideas could make you happier.
    Photo album -- there were a lot of nice things I built in the past that had to be sacrificed for progress. It would be nice if there would be a tool that allows me to select a part of the city, make an image of it, and store the image in folder accessible from the main menu (perhaps with a date attached). This way, I could look back occasionally and remember my own gaming history.
    Yes, yes, I know that there is the possibility to press prntscrn, save, use some common software to work the image and store it in a folder on my hard disk. This is the kind of time consuming tasks that I keep pushing down my priorities list, somewhere bellow making those over-due photo albums for my kids. What I want is the developers doing the time-consuming part for me. As I said: I don't want them to make me a better player, just a happier one. ;)
    Satellite view -- it would be nice if we could have an extreme zoom out view that allows us to see how the two play fields look together. We don't need to be able to change anything in the city when using this view -- just take a look, zoom in again, and go back to playing.
  2. LoveWinter

    LoveWinter User

    Agree with both ideas:)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  3. sounds good to me, your ideas have my vote:D
    wildheart50122 likes this.
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