City hall upgrade bug #2

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Gargamel, Aug 18, 2017.

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  1. Gargamel

    Gargamel User

    this is continuation of my previous topic (
    The same thing has to be fixed as before. My city hall is already upgraded to level 7 and I still haven't received my reward for upgrading it from level 6 to 7, because while it was being upgraded, city hall upgrading quest-goals were stuck on these from previous city hall upgrading quest (from level 5 to 6) so I guess the game didn't notice the hall being upgraded it or it wasn't even tracked in the meantime.
    So sum it up, I need to receive my rewards for upgrading city hall to level 7 and I'm unable to do so, because the game doesn't recognize city hall as upgraded to level 7.

    Fortunately, this is the last thing we will need to take care of :)
    Thanks s.c.lynx!
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Gargamel - Your reward is waiting for you to pick it up. So we are done here, closing thread.
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