City Map

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by -Wizz-, May 30, 2014.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    City Map

    City Map is a game feature that shows you all the lands of Rising Cities. It can be accessed via the map button in the lower menu option:


    Right now we have 4 zones in the game (with maybe more to follow?) having a map makes it all easier:

    • Main City - area where you start the game
    • Coastal Region - connected to main land by the bridge in South-West
    • The Suburbs - connected to main land by road in the South-Est
    • Mountain Region - connected to main land by pass in the North-Est

    You can reach zones also by clicking the zone switches in the game (bridge, road, pass) if you wish too, but the map gives a better overview of the land and its easier to use.


    Here you can see all zones that await you, some may be locked and require a certain level and tasks to unlock so check out our specific FAQ on each zone.

    Click on each image-bubble to load that specific zone.

    This feature is unlocked after you reach level 20.
    shaybae and nortoncommander like this.
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