Classic Car event unanswered questions from FAQ

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Idaliah, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    I am curious. The event says x hours to complete said tasks as laid out b4 you. Currently I have 49 hours and change to get 89 tool boxes and the final stage yet to come. When I log out for any reason, (family emergency, bed, real life), Will the timer stop and resume when I log back on. or is that real life hours that the clock is running on?

    Also, if what I read is correct on the FAQ, without the use of x-presso I am looking at 40 hours for just the 160 things I will need from my level 1 brick house. At the rate I am going, I will miss deadline by at least 3 hours (if I don't use the hurry up mojo of course.)

    I just hit level 13 so I doubt I will level up again b4 the end of the event. But if it should happen and part way through the final stage I hit the next level up and actually qualify for the higher level event, is it going to boost me to the impossible level requirements as such a late stage?

    Sorry for all the questions, but hope you understand my reason for asking them. Thanks in advance for your time and effort.

    ID# 7493908
  2. skb13

    skb13 User

    Ok, it counts in real life hours, so if you sleep for 8 hours, that's 8 event hours you 'lose', but you could be producing clay figures or waiting for rent timers to reset during that time, so it's not completely wasted.

    If you get to level 15 during the event you will continue on the event you have started, but I think you get the chance to do the event all over again when you finish. It would then be as a level 15 person, assuming that the start event timer hasn't run out.

    Good luck, but I suspect you will need some of those xpressos if you have just the one level 1 brick yard.
  3. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    yikes. Thanks for the heads up. Looks like this is going to an interesting day hehe. I have like 29 or so of the x-presso things so should be ok as long as I use them correctly. Still trying to prep for the farms to be out of commission through stage 5 (stockpiling tomatoes and potatoes) but at any rate here's to the upcoming challenge.

    Never say die.
  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Thank you skb13 for your accurate answer.
    Please let us know if we can help more.
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