Classic cars - laurels and such

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Bladerunner, Jan 19, 2016.

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  1. How are you supposed to produce so many laurels and figurines at lvl 15+ unless you are really plus? 3rd lvl farm can make 240 laurels in 6 hrs. To make the amount required I would have to have at least 4 3rd lvl farms....that is crazy at lvl 18. Any suggestions?

    Bladerunner | ID 9639495
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The events are suppose to be a challenge. They also offer rewards at lower levels. So when you do get more farms and have them leveled up. You will not be disappoingted. The best advice is to do what you can in the first few attempts at the event, and learn from the experience.
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Generally, it pays to max out your production as soon as possible at the expense of everything else (a fact for most any resource-driven game). If you don't have all of your farms already, you are at a severe disadvantage. You'll see that in the few events that are only available at lower levels, you really can't get by unless you have built all farms, at least to level 2, and optionally purchase the plot with the level 3 farm. It might sound crazy, and it might even be difficult to achieve, but it's very possible before level 18 to upgrade your farms quickly if you can make tomatoes all day.

    If you can give the time, you can have all farms at level 2 and complete the low level events with relative ease before you even have access to the coal plant. That's only one day on the laurel (four cycles with seven Lv. 2 farms). In all aspects, from production to drops, you will generally want more buildings rather than upgrade buildings, especially if you want to tackle events with ease and early on. Build out, then up, as the ancestor of RC once taught.
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you once again Arsuru. All very sound advice
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