community drives (Events)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Mr.Crowley, Aug 22, 2015.

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  1. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    I was thinking we should have a new event! A community drives (Events) much like the food drives and habitat for humanity drive toys for tots drives. now they would need to be renamed but the ideal would be the same. A food drive would come once a year and we could be given a real month to collect all the food and deliver it just like any event we have now.and the more we collect the greater the gifts could be. The habitat for humanity we could have the workers and students we have collected donated for that drive and the more we give the greater the gifts. I am sure I won't need to say how the toy event would go, But I think this would get some of rhe players that are hording to spend some of their stock piles of goodies. And the more that gets played in the event would have better gift or rewards! Well what do you guys think? Sound good if the rewards would be would be fitting the cost . And might event get some players to get rid of the very large hoard of stuff.
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The food drives could have several levels collecting various food products Tomatos, Potatos, bread, nutrabars etc.
  3. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    yeah you see where I am going with this, I am sure. They won't be like most of the events where it's completed in a day or two. But it should take a week even for the high level players with a ton of stock to complete. The bigger the players level the more they should be able to give. myself I try to keep 1000 to 10.000 of any kinda food and drink. So I would think my amount should be 25.000 of a easy foods and a harder food to make 10.000. But we should get a reward equal to the painful price we would be taken upon our selves. (if completed) If we fail a nice prize like the Designer Apartments or something like that that would all depend on the level of the drive we completed. Or something new even, if they would like to use this as a update for the new things to come!
  4. reddly

    reddly User

    That sounds good Mr Crowley and Billyjim. Something a little different instead of the same events just repeated with the same prizes.
    Mr.Crowley likes this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The obvious solution would be to have us produce several specialty products, Nutra Bars, Kegs of beer, Choclate bunnies etc. That would take the production facilities off line for a while. This would increase the difficulty of the event. Or these could be done as tasks like when we are in the lower levels of the game.
    Mr.Crowley likes this.
  6. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    No offence but why just 4 lower levels? (I know that tasks r ment to be tutorials but....) As im writing this im at level 51 and have 149241 points to collect to get into level 52. Only task which is left here is the "upgrade city hall". I think that the production type tasks would be nice here :). Of course because they r tasks they cant give same kind of rewards as our weekly (or yearly) events. But maybe some amount CCs (25 - 50.000 max) or MM (50-100 maybe) or couple of decos (allowing us to choose from all available decos). As tasks (compared to weekly events) those would not have schedule, so in case of food productions u can use 1,2 or even 3 of your farms to product task requirements and same time the others can be used to product regular items (Tomatoes, potatoes etc.).
    I agree that as normal event the food drive, suggested originally here by Mr Crowley and Mr Billyjim, should have several levels and more time to complete, but also a fair amount of produced items needed. For example fully upgraded farm produces 192 potaotes in 1 round. With 5 top level farms u can produce 3840 potatoes in 4 rounds (14 hours time). Depending how long u stay awake (and use MMs to cut production time) u might produce 1 round more while awake (and 1 is produced while u sleep). So in a day 5 farms (top level upgrade(5-6 runs) produces 4800-5760 potatoes. 2 days 9600 - 11520, 3 days 11400 - 17280 etc. We all have different number of production facilites and in different levels (i have 1 of my brewery fully upgraded, other 3 r level 2). If the food drive would be a scheduled event, it will be hard to find a balance in number of any producted items needed to complete so the event wont be 2 hard regardless what level in the game u r.

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