"Connection Lost" Error

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by saviomartin, Mar 4, 2016.

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  1. Hi.

    Cleared the cache, cookies, temp files, reset the modem, done almost everything from my-side as per the discussions in the forum, by users.
    I think you need to reset the game, or something like that..

    This is frustrating. Happens mainly, when an event is going on..

    Thanks in advance.
  2. G`day savio,
    I have reset your game as requested.
    Has this resolved your problem :)
  3. First of all..A BIG Thanks.. That's really quick response.. :cool:

    Sorry. But I'm still having the problem.
    Did I miss any step?

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  4. Sorry to say. It was a nice game :(
    But I can't get inside it nowadays..
    Neither I'm getting any help.
    Hope the 'Connection Lost' bug is soon fixed, so that I can return...

  5. G`day Saviomartin,
    I have logged into your game with no problems, how ever I also reset it just to be sure.
    I then checked your logs and there are several thousand transactions in the past twenty four hours
    then I checked further and every day is the same there are 1000`s of transactions
    In the future if you do have a problem please do not exaggerate it or when we fix it do not say that your problem still exists.
    Also Remember that the mods are donating their time to be of help to all players and out time is valuable, I do not have the hours available to look for problems that do not exist thankyou
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