Connection lost

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mittzy, Mar 13, 2016.

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  1. mittzy

    mittzy User

    mittzy | ID 7565740

    Hi title says it all have tried a different browser cleared cache and reset modem
    could an admin/mod take a quick look for me (note) problem only seemed to start after starting the lumberjack event.
    Thanks in Advance

  2. mittzy

    mittzy User

    update was just able to log in and collect rent (first time it has stayed in game longer than 4 seconds) still seem to be getting a few glitches
    (lumber mills and tomato stands)

    All working fine now Thanks all Mittzy
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
  3. were happy that your problem is now resolved :)
    will close here now, if you have further problems please open a new thread
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