Connection lost

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by carlsolly9, Mar 27, 2016.

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  1. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    Hi please help.

    Haven't played for a while but decided to get back into it, been back a few days and now having login issues, i've done all the things like refreshing browsers etc, it let me in briefly last night but now its doing it again today, so frustrating

    please help

    Thanks Carl
  2. G`day carl, I have reset your data, has your problem now been resolved :)
  3. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    Thanks Tassie, 1st 2 attempts were unsuccessful, just trying to login again now, any suggestions ?
  4. Isolated login problems are usually on the users end, I was able to log into your game earlier, are you able to access another computer and try logging in ? clearing your flash and browser cache and rebooting your computer all help
  5. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    just cleared browser and rebooted the laptop, gonna try to clear flash now, have reset modem too
  6. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    Clearing Flash seems to help, it did last night too but only for 1 login, still glitchy but better than nothing, hopefully with what you did and clearing it it'll stay around for longer, thanks for your help Tassie, will let you know if it goes again
  7. terrific, it may not hurt to clear it all on a daily bass and see how that helps
    if you have further problems please open a new thread.
    As problem solved I will close this one;)
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