Connection probs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Matong, Feb 6, 2016.

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  1. Matong

    Matong User

    I have problems connecting.. Last few times this has happened, you were able to reset my game and it worked..
    Artisan likes this.
  2. G`day Matong,
    I have reset your data as requested, can you please advise us if your problem is now resolved thankyou.:)
    In the future please include you ID number as this will save us a lot of time, thanks.
    Artisan likes this.
  3. Matong

    Matong User

    Thanx Dev, Can you tell me what is required Mbps to load the game efficiently.. Today I'm running @ approx 11-12Mbps. At that speed it takes a very long time to load if at all.. On days it is running at 22Mbps+ , the game will load in about 3-4 minutes..
    Artisan likes this.
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I can not tell you exactly. The faster and more consistant your connection the quicker the load time. There are several factors involved in the loading time. The second item is the available RAM in you device. Once again the more the better. So good luck. I will see if there is an appropriate answer for this question.
    Artisan likes this.
  5. Matong

    Matong User

    Processor - Intel i7-5700HQ 2.70GHz, Ram - 16GHz, 64-bit. I notice when running @ about 17Mbs, it's ok... (but not really). Up around 22Mbps is what I like, @ this speed takes about 30sec to load (but that's a guess) at 17Mbps takes 5 mins +.. Anything less, most of the time it doesn't load. Would you do a speed test on your connection to compare?? and S.C ... what's the chances of having one of those Rising Cities caricatures done??(of me) for my profile pic ;)
    Artisan likes this.
  6. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello Matong,

    I could try and make you a caricature - I think you are talking about the avatar, so, tell me which character you would like to have.
  7. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    It's not only your connection speed that will matter. Mine is usually from 10-12 Mb/s (ADSL) and I rarely have problems, and it certainly doesn't take five minutes, even with heavy downloading.

    If your bandwidth is being used by other things, especially streaming/downloading, or you have a lot of heavy browser extensions/tabs, an antivirus or other programs in general running, especially anything that may scan a particular page/domain's traffic, it will have an impact. Going though a proxy/tunnel/VPN will obviously impact performance, as will being far from the servers (ping). RC runs fine for me on an older computer with ten-year-old hardware (only marginally slower than it does on a computer similar to yours), so your specs aren't a guarantee either.

    It could be a lot of things, but I'd check how much junk you have running in the background, including services, and whitelist RC in an antivirus, etc. for starters.
  8. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  9. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you Arsuru. As usual you give great advice in a timely and concise manner. Matong my picture was a gift from Artisan. She is amazing in what she does. Thanks Artisan
    Artisan likes this.
  10. Matong

    Matong User

    Thank you Artisan :) I thought they were actual pix of yourselves?? Where do I see the available chooses?
  11. Matong

    Matong User

    Arsuru, Thankyou for the info :)
    Going on my theory, your 12Mbps wouldn't even think about starting... In the early days, I would open RC, then open one other browser to work on while I waited. And something with high demand like a game of Pool. It wouldn't take that long to load. Lately, I've had to open RC on it's own, with no other pages opened. otherwise it is just the same as with slow speed. I've done this with two different laptops. A HP, and now an MSI. Both behave the same. I've moved house once. My ISP at the old place was a 25/10 with Exetel. I brought them with me to the new place. Then a couple of months in I moved to 25/10 with Spirit. My connection at the new place has been pretty poor from the start. So I think (in my Logic) it's something to do with that. There have been line upgrades etc. Na it's just frustrating, I've pumped $500 into RC and I haven't played in over a week because it wouldn't load..
  12. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Yeah, it could be as simple as the overall network/traffic in your greater area, unfortunately. Though as you mentioned a reset worked in the past, make absolutely sure you've cleared Flash's cache. I wasn't able to connect after a Flash update, but clearing the LSO for RC fixed it, so if it updates automatically, perhaps that could be a source of problems.
  13. Matong

    Matong User

    Arsuru.. LSO?
  14. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Local shared object, more commonly called Flash cookie.
  15. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you again for the assistance Arsuru.
  16. Matong

    Matong User

    Thanks Arsuru :) just realised your not on the RC team. Thankyou for your advise :) Legend
  17. Matong

    Matong User

    member : 9215447
    Artisan, can I send you a pic to give an idea of the avatar
  18. nothing further here closed:)
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