Currency Rework

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by -Wizz-, Mar 19, 2014.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    FAQ Currency Rework

    • In short, what can you expect of the Currency Rework?
    The meta-currency X-Presso will be removed from the game and will be replaced by MM. All MM values will be rescaled, meaning there will be an increase of MM in all regards. Moreover, finishing timers will now be dynamically adjusted to the time that is remaining.

    • X-Presso will be removed? Really??
    Yes, it will be completely removed from the game. However, do not panic, there are a couple of things that you need to know:

    1. All players are refunded with MM for the existing X-Presso stocks!
    2. All X-Presso rewards (excluding barrels) are getting replaced with MM-rewards!
    3. X-Presso as mastery-challenged is removed and will be replaced individually.
    4. In the academy X-Presso is replaced with MM, too. As part of the new dynamics, the price is dependent on the remaining time.
    5. For instant upgrades and constructions X-Presso is replaced with MM. Again, as part of the new dynamics, the price is dependent on the remaining time.
    6. Productions can be instant finished with MM, the price being dependent on the remaining time as well.
    7. Moreover, X-Presso-Income is replaced with MM in standard Events Rewards, Quest Rewards, Booster Packs, Special Buildings (like the Christmas Tree), Starter Packs and the Loot-o-Matic.
    • What is the advantage of the X-Presso removal?
    MM is more valuable than X-Presso because it has more than just one function. X-Presso could only be used to speed up production and rent collection; while MM has many more functions. Since the amount of MM will increase as well, you can decide yourself on what you want to spend it.

    • What exactly does MM rescaling mean?
    The value of MM is rescaled. That means that all outgoings, incomings and stocks are rescaled by a factor. You will have a lot more MM, but all prices will be rescaled by the same factor, increasing the spending as well. Some in-game prices will be readjusted manually to fit the new numbers. However, there will be more opportunities to gain MM, for example as rewards for quests.

    • What is new about the dynamic instant finish option?
    Whenever a timer in the game is running, you will be able to instant-finish it. However, this will not be available for residential buildings, but it does apply to construction and upgrade for residential buildings, shops, etc. The price to instant finish will decrease dynamically with progression, i.e. the lower the remaining time, the lower the price.

    Regarding the residential upgrade system, there will be some changes, too:

    The residential building upgrade steps are separated into different pricing stages. Whenever one upgrade step is initiated by deploying the resources, the remaining instant finish price is automatically lowered. Moreover, whenever a timer is running up, the remaining instant finish price will lower with timer progression. This can all be seen clearly in a new, reworked upgrade screen.

    More information will follow.

    Your Rising Cities Team.
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