Development of Rising Cities?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tobbe61, Aug 2, 2015.

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  1. come on, Bigpoint ! bring updates into this game also , guys !
    game is still cool to play, still has events , but people need updates, see the update and idea pool section , there are plenty recommandations there from players , so that we get fun and you, Bigpoint take some cash.

    i play other 2 Bigpoint games and there you made plenty updates.
    seems that Rising Cities was left behind .

    come on, come on ! rise and shine like other 2 games !!!!!!
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Turrel97 I agree whole haertedly. We have been patient and listened to the explanations (excuses) why we are not receiving updates and different offers and events. How many games can keep people playing for years with out getting bored or frustrated. So on that score Big Point you deserve credit.

    But it has been a year and a half of "digging into the code". In that time frame I would have thought the entire code could have been written from scratch or at least a big part of it.

    Oh well, we will wait patiently and suffer through. Why because it is such a great game concept.
    anoukjoris likes this.
  3. i had a break of 1 year , now i missed this game, so returned to play it again for how long, dont know.
    reasons i havent totally quit this game, are :
    - hate fb games like this that doesnt have option to upgrade a building, like we do here ;
    - nice graphics ;
    - residential improvements ;
    - sound of golden bubbles (CC's) when we collect them :))))

    if bigpoint is investing in other games , and saw lots of updates there, then we have patience and gather materials , xp and RI-s in this game , with hope that maybe in next 5 years , if we are healthy and strong, then maybe we shall feel bliss with some updates here .
    amen to that ! :D
    anoukjoris and MacMcMac like this.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Hopefully it will not take five years. Even if they are developing other games as a priority, they should not forget about those of us still waiting patiently.
    anoukjoris and [RO]Turel97 like this.
  5. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    From the beginning, this was a very nice game, very easy to understand, challenging and free of charge. But as I have taken to new levels so I understand that the game's development has stagnated. The game has many bugs that were not corrected, eg Cinemaplex and its problems, that the game loses communication with the network, that no new worlds or buildings developed. It is with sadness I must say that I completely lost interest in the game. I've been playing for two years and it is sad to discover that the game's limit on further developments have stayed at such an early level. Thanks and goodbye.

    .....and also, the managemenet of the game and its future dont seems to care about what Iv think and what others opinions.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 27, 2015
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Tobbee sorry to see you go. It has been fun with you around. Good luck in you future endeavors.
  7. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    Here is a perfect thread to make complains and no one does. Great to see that all others exept me are satisfied with the game.
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    We are glad to see you have not completely deserted us.
  9. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, aside from the forum activity taking a dive (which is in a way, perhaps the ultimate complaint), I think that pretty much everything one could really complain about concerning the current state of the game has been said ad nauseam. All we can do at this point is wait, or complain about having to wait, I suppose.