Disappearing Production Points!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Amanda__6, Feb 8, 2014.

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  1. Amanda__6

    Amanda__6 User

    When I started the game today after a couple of days of not playing I notice that my production points have dropped considerably down to 400!
    I haven't built anything in ages and if you see my other recent thread I ended up mistakenly buying a Special Offer pack which contained Production Points, I definitely had over 1000 at least.
    I then started collecting from my residential buildings which pushed my Production Points up to 600 but then when I changed the residents in a couple of my houses it has dropped down to around 300!!

    What on earth is going on??
    First I lose my MM because of that stupid news pop window and now I have lost Production Points too!!! :(
  2. Not sure why you mention "building" becouse Production Points are consumed as you produce goods and materials, not when you build. So if you have started any production (mills, barns, brickyards etc.) it has taken off your production points as you can't produce anything without them.
  3. Can you post your ID please, Amanda__6?
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    First up please try and remember to always post your ID number as it saves us a huge amount of time searching the data base.

    I am not sure if you mean your total is dropping or the amount you earn is lower.

    I note your mood has dropped to 75% which will dramatically reduce your production so please add some more decorations to get this back up to 100%.
  5. Amanda__6

    Amanda__6 User

    Sorry I forgot about posting my ID :oops:

    Sounds like it is probably my fault, maybe I wasn't taking enough notice of my Production Points going down when putting things into production.
    I've obviously just got confused :rolleyes:
  6. You can try to trace it back a bit if you remember what you put in production. It will give you at least a rough idea how many PP you might have used if you check the PP needed for each production cycle.
  7. Amanda__6

    Amanda__6 User

    I recently built more Lumber Mills and have been trying to produce a lot of beams plus I set my Brickyard to produce bricks each time I play so that's probably it :rolleyes:
  8. Probably so. Increased production (PP consumption) combined with workers replaced by capitalists could easily be found guilty of diminishing your PP stock.

    Glad you identified the villain. :) Now get your police and put him behind the bars. :)
  9. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I have to admit I did this 3 times in testing before the game went live so it happens to all of us.

    I just get to hide most times.:D:D:D

    I will close this thread now as I can feel a huge amount of comments coming from other players.:rolleyes:
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