Do I need more Fisheries? Dairies?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nennesby, Nov 7, 2016.

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  1. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Hy, I am now lev 34 and I have 1 fishery, 1 Dairy and 1 Quarry. None of them leveled up. Do I soon need more any of them or do I have to levelup? I ask because some of you earlier adviced me to levelup my brickyards and that advice I was very happy with....
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    nennesby - That is a loaded question and has a multitude of possible answers, none of them right or wrong. The simple response is do you need the products they produce in larger quantities. The choice is up to you. Only you can decide if you need more of the items they produce. You do not have to build or access them at this time their is no time limit on when you build these structures or how far to upgrade them.

    By the way just for an informational point the Quarries - There are only two in the mountain play area and they can not be upgraded.

    I am moving this post to the speakers corner so that more people will have an opertunity to give you there opinion and advice.

    Have fun building your city
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