Drop rate decreased

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by omuego, Mar 20, 2015.

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  1. omuego

    omuego User

    I've noticed significant decrease of drop rate, especially for 4-8h buildings which used to give out 16 drops per collection and now they are not ashamed to offer me one drop. I am not sure if I can make a connection with the level I reached (29) or the number of expansions I bought on the Island recently (9, 16 in total). Anyone with similar experience?
    captain123456 likes this.
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    A good question Krassandra. Generally as you level up the rate at which the residences yield drops does decrease. Have you checked the needs fulfillments for these residences. Have you changed the Residential Improvements or have they expired. Are your commercial buildings stocked and in the correct locations. Just a few thoughts to check out. For a Moderator to check out your account they are going to need your account # You can find this next to your name on the non - full screen page next to your name:
    captain123456 likes this.
  3. omuego

    omuego User

    I am talking about the drops given by the residences during the events. One should recognize the numbers (16 drops by 8h building vs 1 drop by 30' building). All the needs are met etc. Thank you, billyjim. If the decrease is general rule after levelling up, then OP satisfied, not happy. :)
    captain123456 likes this.
  4. omuego

    omuego User

    That's why I posted the question. A week ago I was able to collect 11-16 drops from my 8h buildings during every event on my Island playfield with 8 expansions bought. After buying more expansions (or levelling to lvl29) I noticed that drop rate dramatically fell from 16 to 6, or even 1. So several days ago drops were the easiest part of each event, now I consider it the most difficult.
    captain123456 likes this.
  5. Geflin

    Geflin User

    My experience has been thus (and I am nearing Level 44 with a huge city): If I collect drops as soon as the rent timer comes up, I will get "X" number from a building (say 1-5 for example)...but if I wait a few additional hours that same building will drop "XX" number (say6-15). So if I run through collecting rent as soon as I can I get say 100 at a whack, and if I wait twelve hours I get 200 at a whack from the same number of buildings. Those are not exact numbers, just a representative example. I also note I get bigger drops from buildings that have needs revenues covered...and of course, the higher Level a given building is [meaning the increased resident number when a building goes through upgrade Levels]. In that respect, Level certainly affects drop rate....32 residents will drop more items than 8 residents. The same is true for type/level of building; prefab suburban homes through urban cottages drop small amounts while condos and towers and such drop larger amounts. I am pretty sure that is a resident density factor too. Additionally, some events seem to differ on various items, as if the drop generating program is trying to account for how difficult an event is supposed to be; that could well be the decrease caused by leveling up (done so higher level players don't finish a stage in ten minutes collecting rent once and thus have less fun playing an event?). Hope this information is helpful :)
    captain123456 likes this.
  6. omuego

    omuego User

    Thank you Geflin, I could try that delaying tactic. I understand all you said, I read a lot about the game here, that's why I do not understand that high-level buildings with more residents than before have lower rate now. I upgraded Water Tower to lvl4 and it drops only 1 event drop. It makes no sense and I am trying to find any cause that lead to this consequence. I doubt I am an experimental group for random generator. :)
    captain123456 likes this.
  7. omuego

    omuego User

    I have small population and lower amount of residences, so I counted on my high level buildings and their high drop rate to fulfill the event needs. I suspected there was some generator code that prevented experienced players to advance too quickly, that's why I asked. But, maybe you haven't noticed due to larger number of residences which I lack, so any change in drop rate affects me more.
    captain123456 likes this.
  8. Some events seem to have a better drop ratio than others, however as your population increases it is easier to gain the required drops a lot faster.
    As i am at level 62 drops only take a minimal amount of time, one thing i have done is to have my students in the shore play field and workers in the burbs making it easier to collect the right type of drops as required especially when using the rent collector most events can be finished easily in less than 36 hours
    captain123456 likes this.
  9. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Now that sounds like a glitch...I would submit a ticket if that's what's happening...get one of the mods to take a closer look-see.
    captain123456 likes this.
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Great observation. I have noticed (Subjective) the drop rate is slightly slower at the higher levels, nothing at the level omeugo is speaking of though. I also have observed the phenomenon Geflin speaks of. Really annoying when you need just forty drops to complete a level. I believe both are design to make the events more of a challenge as we progress into the game. It could be level related or population or city size or something we do not know about. We would have to ask the "Powers that Be", Oh wait they do not talk to us poor simple folk. I forgot.
    captain123456 likes this.
  11. omuego

    omuego User

    I'd like to add that 8h buildings now occasionally drop 6/11/16 drops, but when you have limited time and 10 8h-residences which give you, lets say, 200 drops per day instead 160 drops after first turn... Overall, each residence has decreased drop rate, I understand it might be in order to prevent fast progress, but a couple of events ago I would pick up 400 drops in one turn, with all the residences.
    captain123456 likes this.
  12. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I've never seen any evidence that building upgrade-level, unlock level, need supply, number of buildings or leaving buildings without collecting rent really affects drops. I have noticed drops decrease with player level slightly, which would entice you to build more in a subtle way, and that some events are just slower. Having stopped supplying most needs myself could compound it. I could test it, but eh. Maybe. It does seem that non-main fields give more drops in general as well, but then my circus wagons seem to be poor droppers independent of location. Maybe something was adjusted, but it certainly seemed the coast gave a lot more drops when it was introduced.

    The only thing I have seen that has any consistent correlation to drops is rent timer and the RNG. Even higher level residences with short timers don't necessarily give more drops. I still get drops regularly from designer homes, sunrise lofts and eco-friendly row-houses and up. Even drops of 10 are common enough while longer timers give 0 or 1 at times. I'm almost level 57 now for comparison. If the drops can come from any resident, I can usually get 600–1000 on a full collect.
    captain123456 likes this.
  13. omuego

    omuego User

    Low jewelry rate is the reason I posted here. :)
    My designer homes rarely give any drop, but there are exceptions when I collected 10 drops from these residences, but only on the island.
    captain123456 likes this.
  14. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Mine are in the main field and give drops regularly. I tend to collect on a hourly-ish basis though.
    captain123456 likes this.
  15. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    But so tedious, and I question the worth. Got over 1,500 tool boxes on one full collect today. Best solution to drops is just to build more houses.
    Sorry, that may have been poorly worded. I meant, when the coast was first introduced, many people commented that buildings placed there gave more drops, even compared to the same building in the main field. Though as I pointed out with the circus wagon, it didn't seem to make a difference. Tried to test with the vintage duplex for mastery drops back then, and it didn't seem to make a difference either. The modern pier home though, certainly gave good drops and was noted for it, but it was specific to the coast too. Mountain homes give good drops, but they also have long timers. Basically, expansion fields seem to give more in general, but who knows. I seem to get a pretty even distribution in many cases, aside from the under 15 minute houses.
    captain123456 and Erica like this.
  16. omuego

    omuego User

    I come to same conclusion.
    The difference is significant in my city, the island gives much more drops than the main field where building which (used to) give(s) 16 drops in the island usually gives 1 or 5 drops. The mountain is also poor dropping field compared to the suburbs.
    captain123456 likes this.
  17. Erica

    Erica User

    I would suggest it's the type of Algorithm used in the software. I get different drops from the same type of building with the same number and type of residents on the same playing field. Eg: 16 toolboxes from one and 12 from the other. Both without any improvements, ie: Identical.
    captain123456 likes this.
  18. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Which my next statement in that paragraph pretty much indicated. As time has gone on, it seems to come down to nothing more than the RNG, maybe the specific houses, and the specific event. The Lumberjack Festival is noted to be a slow dropper, for example.
    captain123456 likes this.
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It appears from your data that the drop rate is dependent on time also. The number of items dropped in your study shows that somewhere over two and under three hours you receive approximately 100 gold bracelets. So to maximize your results you should visit the game every three hours, not two. :)
    captain123456 likes this.
  20. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Krassandra, so sorry you have these issues. I rarely have them so I can not relate to your cycle directly. Just trying to help and empathizes. I have my own particular game issues. May we suffer together. :D
    captain123456 likes this.
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