Drops for Events to be Improved

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KrazyKiwi, Jul 14, 2014.

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  1. KrazyKiwi

    KrazyKiwi User

    Hi Guys, I have threaded this topic before but I think it needs to be looked at and improved to make the game more enjoyable! I've had issues in lower levels with not getting enough from residential drops on any event. I have recently hit Level 25 (still fairly new at the game) but now even with quite a few higher end residents I'm still not getting constant drops, some aren't dropping at all!! so I believe that the game code should be changed to guarantee minor drops (maybe 1-5) on quick & cheap residential and increased drops according to the collection size/time. (this would aid a lot of gamer's who can't be on 24/7 to collect, eg: because of work/school etc.)

    Thank You for your Time.
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