Easter event

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by sams264227011a, Apr 2, 2017.

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  1. I see that the calendar 4 April is up but I do not see the Easter event on it. just wondering is all the special events are all gone!!!
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I do not have an answer for you on this event or others. Traditionally with special, seasonal events we find out just before the event occours. So there is hope still left.
  3. love too have this one'. like too get another bakery
    BeccaBunny7401 likes this.
  4. Great question, sams! Think lots of us are wondering if the Easter event will go the same way as the others . . .
    These big events were one of the reasons to keep playing. Once you've completed the regular every month several times over, they lose their impact.
    sams264227011a likes this.
  5. Jone18

    Jone18 User

    I used to play this game almost everyday before, but I stopped few months ago cause there's not anything new happening.
    I have checked the game maybe once a month but nothing new. I think this game will be finished soon. Greetings to all who still are playing the game and waiting something new happen.
    Jamerica likes this.
  6. Jamerica

    Jamerica User

    They obviously have scrapped this game. It will linger on as long as people keep sending money. The only reason I am still playing is to finish what I started 4 years ago. My advice to new players is to not spend real money on this game. It is not going towards the improvement of the game.
    garry58 likes this.
  7. truelinor

    truelinor User

    Tell them I would really like to participate in the Easter event!!!
  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We have sent all comments up the chain. We will add your comment truelinor to the list
  9. truelinor

    truelinor User

    Thank you! I have never been around when they did any of these special seasonal events and I would really like to be able to participate in one - especially one that awards you a bakery! I only have three and could sure use another one!
  10. Still waiting for news of the 'spring event'? Easter is just a few days away.
    Lynx - is there any update?
  11. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Not yet. :(
  12. garry58

    garry58 User

    Jamerica and s.c.lynx like this.
  13. yes it is a shame that we will not get a ester event, i stopped playing a couple of months ago after being maxed out on the levels for over a year. come on rc pull your finger out and give us a reason to continue playing as it is no fun just being a rent collector
  14. mrf0ster

    mrf0ster User

    It's clear that with no Easter events, no new events or anything in years now, that this game is now dead.

    Anyone still playing is wasting their time and would do very well to remove it from their favourites and move on to something else.
    Jamerica likes this.
  15. truelinor

    truelinor User

    Oh, I don't know. Although I would very much like to see a new event or even a repeat of one of the seasonal ones, I still enjoy playing. I started over four years ago but had to give it up due to time constraints, but now that I have the extra time I am finding new things all the time - the Mystery Buildings are my favorite! I also like changing around my city and I haven't even bought all the land plots yet. The game is far from over for me. Sorry, mrf0ster, that you feel that way - but then, why are you here if that is the way you feel?
    garry58 and s.c.lynx like this.
  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree with truelinor. The seasonal and new events would be great. But, I do not find it a waste of time to continue to play the game. even after four plus years for me. Also mrf0ster if we want new things etc. then we need to show big point that we are worth it. If everyone leaves the game it will die.
    garry58 likes this.
  17. Well Easter Sunday has dawned in Australia.
    I guess 'no news' isn't good news in this case and once again I will be disappointed that another major event has been let go. Would have been nice to have been told, rather than the wall of silence in regard to this one.
  18. billyjim

    billyjim User

    We all morn with you. It is sad that one of the few things that made playing the game more enjoyable has been let go. :(
  19. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Hope you have a happy Easter in Australia. In Denmark it is cold and rainy. According to easterevent and Rising Cities: I think we all would like to know what is going to happen! Will the weekly events continue? Will the game stop in a short time? My opinoin is that Bigpoint if they were a decent company would tell us that (and it is not the Mods I blame)
    Jamerica likes this.
  20. well no Easter event I guess. I will hit level 74 today. when I hit level 75 game will be over 4 me as soon as my m-money is gone . I bought some in the past. I will not do so again. they are just milking this game !
    Jamerica likes this.