Feedback Easter/Spring Event 2016

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by Artisan, Mar 9, 2016.

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  1. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Dear Mayors,

    We would like you to give us your positive or negative feedback about:



    oie_OBmKNeFugIWe (2).png
  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Seeing as it is unchanged, here are my thoughts form last year.

    That aside, the two residences offered are among my favorites design-wise. I'd still like more Easter lodges though (another favorite, for revenue too), but the designer family home has the same stats with a smaller footprint, at least.

    And as usual, a higher-level tier would be nice.
    anoukjoris likes this.
  3. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    Glad to see another Bakery being offered, that'll give me eight in total. Another two more, and Id be a happy camper! Thanks
  4. This will also be my 8th Bakery, i would prefer to see a higher levels in events as now at L75 i have more than enough of everything
    how-ever if they give better rewards i just might be enticed to do some of the other events again:D
  5. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    This will be my eighth bakery as well, the seventh not even having been built. Frankly, I'd rather have another lumber mill and farm. We've only had bakeries as production facility rewards so far (which illustrate that the initial number should just be increased), and they have not had much impact on the ability to supply residents. I don't know how many people have such a large number, but obviously only adding bakeries is going to tax the farms and breweries. Not to derail the thread of course, but it's something to think about.
  6. Marleigh

    Marleigh User

    I'm excited because this will only be my fourth bakery! As of now, I can only aspire to eight! I would have liked to see a more Easter-festive house as a reward--like Christmas had a gingerbread house. I have these cute Easter decorations now, but where will I put them? They will feel out of place to me. It would be nice to have a house that the decorations went well with. Again, I am very happy to FINALLY get another bakery, but I am in agreement that it would also be nice to get another mill, farm, or brick factory for a reward in the future.
  7. It looks like those of us who have already commenced the Easter event will get the opportunity of claiming an extra bakery :)
  8. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Nine bakeries now… Still no reason for me to build more than six. Do I really need to beg for a few more mills? One more farm would be okay too. Ten is about as much as I'd probably ever go for a given manufacturing facility with current space limitations, so bakeries and farms are already almost there.

    I know manufacturing should be rare rewards and obviously not everyone has so many bakeries already, but why have manufacturing rewards been only bakeries? Aside from simply not varying the rewards. Again, it's obvious that there simply aren't enough to begin with. Make the default four at least. Give some as a level rewards. And again, I don't think such uneven distribution of manufacturing is good. Just up the number we can build directly and/or when reaching certain levels.