emergency popup

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Aug 21, 2014.

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  1. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    while i like the emergency system for the freebie stuff and a way to spend my education points i hate the fact that i keep missing emergencies because i missed the 10sec popup.

    Please replace the stupid siren thingy which is too loud and useless, and leave the popup there all though the emergency, this way we can always know when there is 1 in progress

    thank you!
    MisterN68, *kimmi* and Multador like this.
  2. Yeah, that would be great!

    Also, if you could put a On-Off Switch for those emergency cars which travel to wherever the emergency is. In "ON" mode, it will work just as it is, the emergency car would travel and the siren will be on, but, in "OFF" mode, the emergency car won't travel to destination and neither the siren will be heard (but the emergency would still be completed as usual). Or, at least for that annoying siren of the emergency car.
    wizardelo likes this.
  3. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i like your idea. i do not care for the car as much, but i really hate the siren, its against nature to yell like that, as i play without sounds. :) while listening to more quality sounds like real music.
    daniel23492 likes this.
  4. I'm playing with sound on. And I really don't like that siren. It's enough when a fire car or a ambulance would pass on the street in real life. I don't want to hear that sound in game too !

    Even my citizens are complaining about that siren !!!
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The siren and other noises is why I turned the sound off also. I play with sound muted because I am working on other projects at the same time. TV, reading mail, paying bills (uck), etc. So the ability to turn off the car and the siren would be a nice feature.
  6. Multador

    Multador User

    great idea, thing i like is how the window is like the news.
  7. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Got my vote.
    If you open something when the siren is on it will never stop argh :mad:
  8. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

    I agree with the original post.
  9. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I too would like the pop-up to stay visible. It's especially annoying when you switch back to the main field only to find out there was an emergency and you missed it.

    Siren isn't a big deal to me, but I do find it it very loud in comparison to most other sounds. Opening boosters is very loud too. Enabling or disabling individual sounds would be nice. I wouldn't mind being alerted of an emergency via sound, but I don't want to hear the birds or other SFX most of the time because it's simply distracting.
  10. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    Good ideas. Definite YES to keeping the popup open longer (I understand they want you to be in the game as much as possible, but come on!).

    As far as the siren goes (and the birds, too) - I'd like to see a mixer integrated so you can adjust different sound categories. That or a check mark on/off thingy for different noises.
    MisterN68 likes this.
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The problem is not that we want it both ways. The problem is in trying to please multiple people with divergent desires. This is the problem when ever you try to make some thing for mass consumption. Think of a restaurant, any successful chain does not produce spectacular one of a kind dining experience food that would wow some one, they produce food that is consistently liked by most people and tolerated by virtually all. But, here we want the RC experience to be that WOW and unique to us. :D:D
    *kimmi* likes this.
  12. momEva

    momEva User

    Different people want different things, but in this case no compromise is really needed.

    Let the pop-up stay a bit longer. If we are playing in another field, it often is just not possible to get back to the main field quickly enough to see the pop-up. That mean we have to manually search, rather than just clicking and going right to the emergency. Also, sometimes the pop-up seems to appear in other fields and sometimes it doesn't. I wind up just rechecking the main field every so often... its not such a bad deal now that we don't actually lose anything when we fail to respond. When buildings were actually damaged, this feature was a royal pain!.

    ANY sound gets annoying after a while, particularly sirens. The biggest issue with the sirens is that they are loud enough to annoy people near us, who are not playing. I am OK with just turning off all the sounds, but sometimes I do miss the birds chirping and other general noises. It would not be a big stretch to allow people to turn off only the sirens if they like.
  13. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    I second suggestion keeping popup open longer. I was today watching Cinema (it actually worked !:rolleyes::p). I usually watch 2 or 3 movies non-stop. Then when i stopped to collect rent of 2 min houses i also looked around. And 2 times there was emergency going on. Both times about 3 minutes of 9 was already gone.
    But to the point: If u look all 10 movies non-stop (and they r longer than 30 secs) u might miss whole emergency.

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