emergency tasks

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by jagmanxj, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. jagmanxj

    jagmanxj User

    Does not completing an emergency affect the game in any way
  2. nennesby

    nennesby User

    No, but yuo have to finish it by clicking on the hause to make it contionue "growing"
  3. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    If the building has some timer it will be frozen.
  4. I never have let my buildings to freeze....
    well how they freeze...
    I have never seen them;)
  5. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    It doesn't affect the game in any way but yeah it freezes the rent timer of the the building (only houses) by it's time (approx 10 min). This means that the rent of the houses will came late by 10 min.So don't delay it.Otherwise, it doesn't affect other buildings (the stands,the power plants and others ):)
    Thank you !!:);)
  6. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    Not correct entirely. Even when the 10 mins went down you still have to repair the building/collect the medal otherwise the freeze continues. Also applies to production buildings.
  7. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    Yes, you're right.But nennesby has already explained it .:)