Energy loss

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by bucoCoece, Aug 1, 2016.

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  1. bucoCoece

    bucoCoece User

    I noticed a huge drop in my energy, about 2000 and more.
    Can u check is it ok?

    bucoCoece | ID 7251433
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Did your mood or power fall below 75%? This can reduce your population and power levels by 25%. The powers that be will be along to check it out for you.
  3. G`day buco, when you lodged your request for support we were able to resolve your problem. However when we do this your power/mood are also reassessed and corrected. Now your game is correct in all areas, it is essential that you delete your flash data on a regular basis and also your browser cache and cookies. this will do many things to help your game run so much better.
    we recommend that you do these actions prior to closing down your computer of an evening as when you log into your game the next day everything is refreshed.
    Is there anything else that we can help you with on this topic?
  4. bucoCoece

    bucoCoece User

    Now I understand, it is ok. U can close this discussion. Thx for help.
  5. Were always happy to help nice players :):)
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