Energy use problems...

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by teochewnang, Aug 11, 2017.

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  1. Hi all,

    I have upgraded some buildings from level 3 to level 4. Since I wanted to be more energy efficient, I chose the -50% energy use and -50% Mood loss option.

    So for a Level 3 Urban Cottage using 45 energy points, I would end up with a level 4 using 30 energy points with the -50%.
    Same for a Level 3 Tenement using 24 energy points, I would end up with a level 4 using 16 energy points with the -50%.

    But if I look on the blue bar Energy production vs Energy use, I end up consuming more than before I upgraded those buildings instead of using less...

    Would it be possible to check this out ?

  2. G`day teochewnang, can you please fill out a support ticket and supply as many details as possible, then we will be able to investigate your issue further.
  3. 7benjamin9

    7benjamin9 User

    @ teochewnang

    If you check your mood gains/loss, you will figure out... Eh, you are right.

    Report problem to "developers", you will receive this answer:

    And one day later:

    And, of course, nothing will be fixed, beleive me. I have been waiting for 3 months for sollution of a "small bug"!
    I wonder what it would look like, if there would be a "big bug" in place.
    Elco likes this.
  4. Hello Ben, as your issue is not resolved please rend in another ticket and Artisan or I will personally follow it through