Event buildings - some issues

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by strider_legs, Apr 17, 2015.

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  1. Dear Rising Cities Mayors,
    There are a few headaches with the new buildings that come as rewards from this event. They are either invisible or not being allowed to be placed. This is being worked on as I type, and with luck will be fixed today, otherwise you might need to wait until after the weekend.

    But don't PANIC - the buildings will appear when it is fixed.

    Your Rising Cities Team
  2. The team have fixed it. The new buildings should all work now. Have a good weekend, and enjoy the Spring (or Autumn for all those in the Southern hemisphere).
    Andrewjf and whitefox45 like this.
  3. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

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