Event for 07/06/2013 Ancient Festival

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by -Wizz-, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User


    This week you can play the Ancient Festival in your citysquare.
    The Ancient Festival is available in two difficulties: Level 8-14 and Level 15-35

    Challenge 5 steps with 2 event production goods and 2 event drop items and every step could finished with the Instant finish button with MM!


    General balance approach for the Ancient Festival
    · The Ancient Festival is accessible from 07.06.2013 14:00 CEST – 09.06.2013 22:00 CEST for 3 Days.

    · The Ancient Festival has 5 challenges
    · The
    Ancient Festival is available in two difficulties: Level 8-14 and Level 15-35

    Level 8-14
    · Challenge 1:
    o Asks for 64 Lumber and 80 Logs (Lumbermill 2h, basic outcome: 20/40/80, PP costs 40/60/90)
    o The reward consists of 500 XP, 1500CC and 40 Beams

    · Challenge 2:
    o Asks for 128 Lumber and 160 Logs (Lumbermill 2h, basic outcome: 20/40/80, PP costs 40/60/90)
    o The reward consists of 750 XP, and 1500PP and 24 Bricks

    · Challenge 3:
    o Asks for 24 Rolls and 96 Cheese (event drop from workers residential)
    o The reward consists of 1000 XP, 40 Rolls 5 Master Keys

    · Challenge 4:
    o Asks for 576 Potatoes and 480 Carrots (Farm 4h, basic outcome: 40/80/160, PP costs 120/180/270)
    o The reward consists of 1500 XP, 5 X-Presso and 2 permits for “Cypress Tree” (standard level 9 decoration, no permits for sale)

    · Challenge 5:
    o Asks for 500 Gold (event drop from capitalists residential)
    o The reward consists of 2500 XP, 15000 CC and 1 permit for “Trojan Horse” (exclusive level 10 deco, 50% better than standard deco)

    Level 15-35
    · Challenge 1:
    o Asks for 160 Lumber and 160 Logs (Lumbermill 2h, basic outcome: 20/40/80, PP costs 40/60/90)
    o The reward consists of 1000 XP, 150 Beams and 25 Permits for “Country Lane” (standard level 1 Street, no Permits for Sale)

    · Challenge 2:
    o Asks for 320 Lumber and 320 Logs (Lumbermill 2h, basic outcome: 20/40/80, PP costs 40/60/90)
    o The reward consists of 2000 XP, 2500 PP and 20 Silver-Medals

    · Challenge 3:
    o Asks for 120 Rolls and 240 Cheese (event drop from workers residential)
    o The reward consists of 3500 XP, 50 Vitamin-X and 1 permit for “Vegetable Stand” (standard level 6 shop, no permit for sale)

    · Challenge 4:
    o Asks for 960 Potatoes and 1600 Carrots (Farm 4h, basic outcome: 40/80/160, PP costs 120/180/270)
    o The reward consists of 5000 XP, 10 X-Presso and 1 permit for “Coal-Fired Power Plant” (standard level 16 power plant, no permit for sale)

    · Challenge 5:
    o Asks for 500 Gold (event drop from capitalists residential)
    o The reward consists of 7500 XP, 25000 EP and 1 permit for “Trojan Horse” (exclusive level 10 decoration, 50% better than standard decoration)

    Production Goods




    Drop Items


    If you failed the weekly quest or the time is over, you have the chance to finish the whole event with MM
    to get the reward

    We wish you all luck and hope you enjoy the event.
  2. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

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