Event Plaza problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Welp, Mar 21, 2016.

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  1. Welp

    Welp User

    Ever since the day with the login problem, I have not been able to go to the front page of the event plaza.
    I am doing the easter event, but I want to stop it and do an other event
    I am only lvl 18, so I dont want to spend 2500 beams on this event
    When I click the yellow arrow to go to front page, my game just freeze
    I have tried clearing the cashe, use an other browser, and use an other computer. I still cant go to front page of the plaza
    Please help

    ID 9733400
  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    As there was an unique problem, you won't be able to quit as far as I know; it's finish or fail. Honestly, I think you should do it anyway, as, unlike the other events it normally wouldn't come again (this year being an exception) and plenty of other events will soon start asking for over 1000 beams anyway. You can pay for those beams with a few day's of growing wheat or something if you can't make them hourly. The bakery is not something you will win often, and if you can get two from the events, you might survive the biker rally.
  3. Welp

    Welp User

    Well then I realy regret that I startet the event. I would rather do the childrens festival before I hit lvl 20
    I wont be able to make it to the end of easter event anyway :(
  4. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, you can try to cancel again, as they just put the Easter event online again so maybe it will work. I know how you feel about the Children's festival. For what it is worth, we've been asking for a long time that events not be locked out because of player level, and from a purely numerical perspective, the playground is not that great.
  5. Welp

    Welp User

    No luck. I still cant cancel it. It just freeze the game :(
  6. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, try clearing Flash cookies specifically even if you did before, in case something changed after they put the Easter event up again. If that doesn't work, a reset might by the mods might, but you may have to either finish it somehow or wait it out.
  7. Hi Welp.
    I have ben able to reproduce this problem and it should fix itself with the restart of the Easter event:)
  8. nothing further closed :)
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