Event prizes not awarded

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by grayskull70, Jan 29, 2014.

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  1. Was down to just a few minutes on an event to finish time ran out . It said if I paid 45 cash I would receive the rewards I never got the rewards after paying the cash . Please look into this for me thanks so much One of the rewards was 25000 production points didn't get those not sure of the other rewards I was to have received I was down to like a hundred finger paintings to complete it when time ran out so I paid for its completion with the cash no rewards sadly showed up
  2. As I understand it from the information you've given, you were doing the children's festival and are between levels 15 and 19.

    From the event FAQ it shows that prizes for the final stage are 7500 XP, 25000 PP and a permit for an Adventure Playground.

    If your event times out, then I believe (but can't confirm) you are only offered the permit prize for paying MM (ie the adventure playground in this case), and not the XP or PP.

    If just before the event timed out you had clicked the MM button to the right of the finger paintings when delivering to the event plaza then you should have got all the prizes.
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Did you send this in as a support request?.

    I cannot remember the name but I replied to this exact issue a few hours ago, please advise?.
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