event - the farmers market

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by temptation83, Dec 12, 2013.

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  1. In the farmer's market for level 15 and above the production of 4800 corns alone takes 72hours, if X-presso is not used. Then how are we supposed to complete the quest , if we don't have time for carrots.....
    i have 7 farms
  2. Your maths works out only if you have 7 level 1 farms. At that point, you're probably not going to manage this quest. I would have thought that the quest is tailored to people who have upgraded at least some of their farms, and by level 15 this isn't an unlikely premise.

    Sorry about that, but for some events you need farms, some lumber mills and some brickyards or bakeries. At the lower end of the level range for an event you might struggle if you haven't specialised in the relevant manufacturing plant required for that event.

    Good luck, anyway.
  3. but the problem is that farms are not yet available for upgrades.........
  4. It's about general design of the game. Not everything is ment to be easy and not everything can be easily accomplished at any given time. We pick and chose. For those desperate there are always a number of shortcuts that can be used. Like once when low level I wanted to do specific event requiring a lot of farm production, so I bought a plot with secret Level 3 farm to do it, sacrificing development in other areas at that time for the sake of doing the event. Other shortcuts would be using X-presso, upgrading with MM or finishing some event challenges with MM. As I said, we pick and chose. If we can't do something now, there will be another chance in future. Your chances of success will increase as you grow your City using good strategy. Keep in mind that using X-presso or MM is perfectly valid part of the game, as much as carefull strategy is when trying to make things balanced.

    Another good side is that every challenge brings a reward of it's own without completing the whole event, so again, we pick and chose based on our strategy.

    I'm level 32 now but I still don't do everything at the same time. Still need to use strategies to balance things and gear the whole City economy system towards next accomplishment, promoting one goal over others that could be targeted at any given time.

    Hope that helps you understand a bit better what the game is about. :)
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
    temptation83 likes this.
  5. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Please let us know if we can help more in this matter.
  6. thank you all
  7. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

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