
Discussion in 'FAQs' started by -Wizz-, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User


    Events are always posted in the Official Announcement. They challenge players to a series of tasks and provide substantial rewards.

    To take part in the Events one must first build the Event Plaza from the last TAB of the Designer Depot.

    *** Event Plaza is available from Mayor Level 5 ***


    Event Plaza


    When an event is active in the game this symbol appears [​IMG] over the Event Plaza.

    There is a limited time frame when you can start this even. Timer can be seen by hovering over the Plaza.

  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Event Details​

    Clicking on the Plaza when event is active will show more details.


    (A) - Event Timer = amount of time available to finish the event.
    *** This timer will only be activated after event is started by the player
    - Event Stages
    = number of stages necessary to complete the event.
    (C) - Event Tasks = details the tasks requirements
    (D) - Stage Rewards = details rewards for each stage
    (E) - Event Reward = final reward for completing the event.
    (F) - Start Event = by clicking start the event will be begin

    When the Event is started this symbol will appear over your Plaza [​IMG]
  3. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Completing Stages

    Open Event Plaza for more details


    (A) - Stages Status = each Cup is the reward for a completed stage
    (B) - Fulfilled Task = green tick shows enough items have been delivered
    (C) - Unfulfilled Task = more items are still required
    (D) - Deliver Button = press to deliver items for event.
    (E) - Required Quantity = necessary quantity of items delivered/total
  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Why can't I launch an Event?
    A: There is no event active, please check Official Announcements.

    Q: Where can I find more information about the Event?
    A: Events details are posted in Official Announcements.

    Q: What happens if I cannot finish the event before timer runs out?
    A: You will be rewarded only for the completed stages.

    Q: Do the items return if event ends before completing a stage?
    A: No, items are not refunded.

    Q: Where can I find the items for event?
    A: There are 3 types of event items:

    (1) Collect Materials - are received while collecting rents from any or a specific type of citizen (this distinction is explained in the Event details)

    (2) Production Materials - can be produced by manufacturing facilities.
    *** Some Products are available only during the Event Stage that requires them.

    (3) Street Materials - are received upon clearing items on the city roads and squares. These cost a certain amount of coins and take a specific amount of time to finish.
    *** Clearing street items can be finished instantly using MM.

    Q: Can I buy Event Materials?

    A: Yes, some Materials can be bought from marketplace, others can be bought using MM directly from Warehouse.

    Q: What happens if I produce more Materials?

    A: All Materials are kept in Warehouse until the event is over, and then removed.

    Q: How long does the Event last?

    A: There are 2 different Timers:

    (1) Active Timer = common to all players; shows how long is the event available for participants to start. Shown on Plaza Before event is started by player.

    (2) Event Timer = specific for each player; fixed amount of time available for event to be completed. Shown on Plaza After event is started by player.

    Q: How can I stop the event?

    A: Event can only be stopped if another event is started.

    Q: Can I start more then 1 event at the same time?

    A: Only 1 event can run at a time but there might be more then 1 event available for you to choose from, so check our Event Section often.
  5. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Multi-Choice Event Window

    When checking event plaza you can find more then one event.
    If event is already started you can return to "Choose an Event" window with [​IMG]shown in the top left corner of the event window.


    There can be:

    Active Event
    - Shows as "running" - started by player
    - the percentage(%) shows how much of the event has been done
    - you can click on it to continue the event

    Available Event
    - Shows as "available" - not started yet by player
    - you can click on it to see preview details like rewards and requirements

    Coming Soon
    - Shows as "available soon" or "coming soon"
    - this event cannot be previewed and is it is not final and can be changed until it becomes available.


    Starting one event will cancel the one that is running at that moment.
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