Evilviper's Buying guide

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Evilviper, Apr 25, 2017.

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Do you think this thread will change the market

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe

  4. Not enough people will see the thread for it to matter

    0 vote(s)
  5. The market needs to change anyways

    0 vote(s)
  6. I don't care

  1. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    Anybody is able to use this guide, but it is mainly being used for myself. Updates will come slowly because market prices are changing slowly. Also, these ratings are only for level 3 buildings. I may add lower level buildings if this thread becomes popular.

    So everybody is aware, the way I am doing my rating system is I am taking the number of items created by the manufacturing facility and multiplying it by the markets lowest valued item. After that is done, I divide the number by the production points needed. The higher number means the more money that can be obtained compared to production point costs. The lower number means the more costly the item is for coins to production points. Time is not a variable I have considered, nor will I consider.

    Lets begin.

    Lumber 116
    Beams: 108.945
    Paneling: 24
    Cork: 25.45
    Tomatoes: 64
    Potatoes: 91.68
    Wheat: 234.666
    Raspberry: 15.23
    Hops: 151.365
    Barley: 480
    Bricks: 101.81
    Cement: 14.487
    Roof Tiles: 30.602
    Tiles: 64.561
    Rolls: 366.545 Not including wheat cost
    Donuts: 5312 Not including wheat or raspberry cost
    Pizza Dough: 138.488 Not including tomato or wheat cost

    The list will be fully updated at a later date with all materials. I included some materials I don't even make at the moment, so I am currently not worried about those items.

    In other words, the most valuable thing I have noticed that will be the biggest contributor to coin income with a lower cost of production value is selling Barley. When I checked the prices, there were only 3 players selling though, and they were all the same price.

    At my level with what I am producing, the most valuable thing to sell is Wheat. After that is Bricks due to their high cost per brick.
    I also priced bricks at 7000 per brick when I have sold them for 7500+ before.

    The few issues I have noticed with bricks at my level is they are hard to come by. Bricks cost a lot to produce, they take a long time to produce, and the price fluctuates constantly. I have found that some weeks they will sell within a day at 8000 per brick, but I have also found that there are times where they wont sell for a full week at 7500 per brick.

    Even though tomatoes are easy to produce and help me get to all level 3 farms, they are hurting my production points. Once all farms are at level 3, I need to start producing mass amounts of wheat to sell. At that point, I can buy all the potatoes, tomatoes, and raspberries I need and still make a slight profit.

    Selling bricks will also help me so I will not have to produce cement, roof tiles, or tiles. The bricks can be sold to ensure that I have enough coins to buy everything I need.

    As I thought, paneling is not worth manufacturing due to the high production points cost and how valued it is through the players in the game. Even though lumber is cheaper than beams, it is not worth taking the risk of producing lumber to sell to buy beams due to the fluctuation in cost of lumber. Beams normally stay at a fixed rate of 750 per beam with the few players that need the coin and undercut by 1 coin per beam.
    dufff33321 and s.c.lynx like this.
  2. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Exelent. I have a list too - including time - I'll translate to English if anybody would like?
  3. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    Could you post it and how you made it?
  4. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Here it comes, I hope most of it is translated - it is midnight now here in Denmark so I am tired...

    Produktion i Rising Cities

    Lumber: 5 min., 16 pcs., 150 c/pcs., 28.800 c/h, 240 Prod.p/h, Netto: 28.560 c/h
    Beams: 1 h, 32 pcs., 750 c/pcs., 24.000 c/h, 220 Prod.p./h, Netto: 23.780 c/h
    Panelling: 6 h, 48 pcs., 1300 c/ pcs, 10.400 c/h, 367 Prod.p./h, Netto: 10.033 c/h
    Cork: 3 h, 80 pcs., 700 c/pcs., 18.600 c/h, 733 Prod.p./h, Netto: 17.867 c/h
    Tomat: 20 min., 320 pcs., 10 c/pcs., 9.600 c/h, 135 Prod.p./h, Netto: 9.465 c/h
    Potato: 3½ h, 192 pcs., 210 c/pcs., 11.500 c/h, 114 Prod.p./h, Netto: 11.386 c/h
    Wheat: 6½ h, 960 pcs., 80 c/pcs., 11.800 c/h, 42 Prod.p./h, Netto: 11.758 c/h (14 xp/høst)
    Raspberry: 5 h, 400 pcs., 190 c/pcs., 15.200 c/h, 420 Prod.p./h, Netto: 14.780 c/h
    Hops: 8½ h, 640 pcs., 155 c/pcs., 11.670 c/h, 74 Prod.p./h, Netto: 11.596 c/h
    Barley: 10½ h, 480 pcs., 30 c/pcs., 1.371 c/h, 3 Prod.p./h, 1.368 c/h
    Bricks: 3 h, 16 pcs., 7.000 c/pcs., 37.300 c/h, 367 Prod.p./h, Netto: 36.933 c/h (55 xp./høst)
    Cement: 5 h, 64 pcs., 750 c/pcs., 9.600 c/h, 660 Prod.p/h, Netto: 8.940 c/h
    Roof Tiles: 11 h, 48 pcs, 7.400 c/pcs., 32.300 c/h, 1000 Prod.p./h, Netto: 31.300 c/h
    Tiles: 19 h, 32 pcs., 11.400 c/pcs., 19.200 c/h, 300 Prod.p./h, Netto: 18.900 c/h
    Rolls: 1½ h, 96 pcs., 450 c/pcs., 28.800 c/h, uses 128 wheat/h = 10.200 c/h, 73 Prod.p./h, Netto: 18.527 c/h (6 xp/høst)
    Donuts: 4 h, 96 pcs., 620 c/pcs., 14.880 c/h, uses 48 wheat/h = 3.840 c/h, uses 24 raspberries/h = 4.560 c/h, 3 Prod.p./h, Netto: 6.477 c/h
    Pizza: 7½ h, 64 pcs., 650 c/pcs., 5.546 c/h, uses 26 wheat/h = 2.080 c/h, uses 9 tomatoes/h = 90 c/h, 48 Prod.p./h, Netto: 3.328 c/h
    Beer: 11½ h, 400 pcs, 110 c/pcs., 3.826 c/h, uses 70 wheat/h = 5.600 c/h, uses 35 hops/h = 5.425 c/h, 65 Prod.p./h, Netto: - 7.264 c/h
    Brown Ale: 14 h, 240 pcs, 320 c/pcs., 5.486 c/h, uses 34 hops/h = 5.270 c/h, uses 34 barley/h = 1.020 c/h, 4 Prod.p./h, Netto: - 808 c/h
    Pilsner: 17 h, 320 pcs., 410 c/pcs., 7.717 c/h, uses 56 hops/h = 8.680 c/h, uses 56 barley/h = 1.680 c/h, 118 Prod.p./h, Netto: -2.761 c/h (100 xp/høst)
    Lemonade: 16 h, 800 pcs., 30 c/pcs., 1.500 c/h, uses 25 raspberries/h = 4.750, 6 Prod.p./h, Netto: -3.256 c/h (100xp/høst)
    Swiss cheese: 2 h, 560 pcs. 2 c/pcs., 560/c, 315 Prod.p./h, Netto: 245 c/h
    Gauda: 10 h, 100 pcs., 30c /pcs., 300 c/h, 23 Prod/t, Netto: 277 c/h
    Milk: 2 h., 160 pcs., 11 coin/pcs.; 880 c/h, 113 Prod.p/h, Netto: 767 c/h
    Egg: 6 h, 240 pcs., 5 c/pcs., 200 c/h, 169 Prod.p/h, Netto: 31 c/h
    Tun: 3 h., 240 pcs., 4 coin/pcs., 320 c/ h, 225 Prod.p/h, Netto: 95 c/ h
    Sushi: 6 h, 160 pcs., 12 c/pcs., 320 c/h, 150 prod.p./h, Netto: 170 c/h (30 xp/høst)
    Granite: 6 h, 4 pcs, 8 c/pcs., 5 c/h, 167 Prod.p/h, Netto: -162c/h (15 xp pr høst)
    Visionært gartneri:
    Afskårne blomster: 4 t, 64 pcs, 22 c/pcs., 352 c/h, 112 Prod.p./ h, Netto: 340 c/h
  5. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    Thank you. That is a good idea having coins per hour as well as a rating by production point cost.
  6. nennesby

    nennesby User

    I see that you do not have brewery at your list - I find that it is too expencive to use the brewery, but you have to use it untill it is upgrted to level 3 for the weekly events.....
    I sometimes produce panellings at night just to maximice the output from the sawmills. I never produce barley and hoops because i do not use them and it fits me better to produce rasberries and wheat. I produce rooftiles when I am away many hours from my pc
  7. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    It depends on the player, how often you can log on and start things up. For me, that's 1x per day. Means I produce tiles only, rest of brickyard items I buy on the market. Since I have nearly no needs for any lumbermill items, I produce panelling for selling to got me coin for bricks (mainly). Did a quick calculation, if I want to upgrade what I can upgrade, I need +150 brickyard (30.000 tiles) runs of tiles. That's half a year of playing...
    By the way, the market has been screwed up for some time. There were days you got a brick for 3000, now it never goes under +/- 7200.
  8. truelinor

    truelinor User

    Thanks! That is interesting.

    I produce whatever I am lacking the most of, no matter what it is, however, I leave the longer items such as wheat and hops for overnight. I have dedicated one brickyard to making cement, one for tiles, and one for roof tiles since I started needed the black and white tiles. I have saved up quite a few bricks, so even though I sell a few here and there, I am still making more each day. It may not be the most efficient way to play, but I like to make all the items - it just give me pleasure seeing them grow.
  9. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    _joker1974 The price of any item in the forum is set ,within limits, by what ever price a player wishes to sell the item at. So some people make offers to sell products at a lower price depending on how quickly they need the cc's.