Exchanging in Alphabetical order

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. freggle

    freggle User

    I exchange your duck for an egg
  2. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I exchange your egg for a frog
  3. freggle

    freggle User

    I exchange your frog for a gym

    (Please keep in mind that we can't mention alcoholic drinks on our forum, thank you)
    Post Edited by Artisan, BA
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  4. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  5. freggle

    freggle User

    sorry..I exchange your hospital for an ice cube
  6. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    I exchange you Ice cube for a Jaguar

    (no problem)
  7. freggle

    freggle User

    I exchange your Jaguar for a keyboard
  8. anilvap

    anilvap User

    I exchange the keyboard behind the lion
    ZeleninovýSalátek likes this.
  9. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    I exchange your lion for metro money
  10. anilvap

    anilvap User

    I exchange your metro for notebook.
  11. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    I exchange your notebook for an octopus.
  12. anilvap

    anilvap User

    I exchange your octopus for the plane.
  13. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    I exchange your plane for a quasi-experimental study.
  14. anilvap

    anilvap User

    I exchange your quasi-experimental study for raspberry.
  15. I exchange your raspberry for a sunset (beautiful):p
  16. anilvap

    anilvap User

    I exchange your sunset for a treasure.
  17. wow.....
    I exchange your treasure for Uzbekistan....
  18. anilvap

    anilvap User

    I exchange your Uzbekistan for violin.
  19. I exchange your violin for wall-e
  20. anilvap

    anilvap User

    I exchange your wall-e for xylofone.