
Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by rrruuusss3, Nov 22, 2017.

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  1. rrruuusss3

    rrruuusss3 User

    Why don't you expand your game into more areas? My 4 areas are getting over ;oaded and I am going to have to stop playing because I do not have any more room. I would even pay to play if you would expand
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The game has a limited area, just like in real life. Most players once they have filled the areas start urban renewel projects to more dense and valuable buildings. Take out a four resident building and replace with a 8, 12, 20 resident building.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    This has been requested several (dozens) of times before over the years. We have not seen any movement on this issue.
  4. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    I have been at level 75 for a very long time
    I am a french player
    I have more than 41000 inhabitants spread over the 4 trays
    Depending on where you are now, you have to rethink your city
    Nevertheless, I would not be against having a new game board
    I hope my translation will be good and understanding too

    Je suis au niveau 75 depuis fort longtemps
    Je suis un joueur français
    J'ai plus de 41000 habitants répartis sur les 4 plateaux
    Selon le niveau où tu te trouves actuellement, il faut repenser ta ville
    Néanmoins, je ne serais pas contre d'avoir un nouveau plateau de jeu
    J'espère que ma traduction sera bonne et la compréhension aussi
    Dean_Winchester and LILA-SKILAKI like this.