Extremely Tired Of Constant GLITCHES

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Feb 17, 2015.

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Have you experienced a disproportionate amount of glitches when playing RC?

Poll closed Mar 17, 2015.
  1. Yes, RC has a very high gltch rate.

  2. Yes, AND there seem to be a lot more glitches when special events are running.

  3. No, I don't see the glitch level as being abnormal.

  4. Other (Please state what in a reply to the post)

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Please follow Tassie-devi'ls advice the Moderators here are great people and go way beyond what is necessary to make sure we (the players) get what we need.
    Do enjoy the game and have fun. :):D
    Andrewjf and honeywest like this.
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Now I do sooooooooooo like your sense of humor. Fired my mice...ok, well, ate my mice....and hired a flock of hummingbirds to vibrate the foil with their wing beats. Also hired a squirrel to run the wheel, since I am full of mice he shall be safe for the moment. Besides, he works for peanuts (well, acorns, but those are still nuts) and does the work of 100 mice. Problems fixed ;) Until I eat my squirrel. Anyone know any squirrels looking for work?
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    No squirrels, a couple of nuts. Maybe you could feed them to the squirrel. Maybe you should get a spare one or two. You never know when you might get the urge for a snack. Better yet a breeding pair so you can have an endless supply. If you can control yourself. :rolleyes:
    Geflin likes this.
  4. honeywest

    honeywest User

    I agree that it seems that we have more glitches and bugs during an event; I guess that probably stands to reason since the load on the server is probably much bigger. But, that doesn't mean that something like that can't be tweaked or fixed. One bug that bugs me is the one that on certain spots the item you are placing seems to encroach on the spot next to it and your item seems to "sit on" the item next door. That is just a simple code fix! Spend a little money and have an employee (maybe a free intern??) go through and find out which spots and/or items are causing it and fix it! I am running an Intel i7 2600k with 8 gig of RAM with a Nvidia 460 GPU. My puter is about 2 years old now and still rocks for all the games I play. I am lucky to have one of the fastest, most reliable IPs in the U.S. here in New York. I regularly get upwards of 8-16 mg a second download (depending, of course, on the time of day). When I am online it usually hovers around 15-16 mg a second. I experience bugs and glitches, that's it, except of course, when Bugpoint's server is down. I was actually surprised to receive any kind of bonus for the stuff we went through for three weeks of not being able to play so I really can't complain about what we did receive in response, but really?, 5 hours of rent collecting? First, rent collecting? Second, only 5 hours? Some mm's woulda been nice. A load of bricks or beams woulda been really welcome. Oh well, at least we got something... Additionally, and I am not saying this to be mean to the mods b/c they are really great and work hard and it is not their fault, but some communication from the devs during bad stuff (or just anytime!) would be nice.
    Andrewjf, fred1471 and billyjim like this.
  5. Geflin

    Geflin User

    *Yet again laughing my feathers off; changing into spare feather suit in 3,2,1....*
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    What a great idea. A spare fur coat for me. Oh, what pattern to choose. Leopard, Tiger, Lion, Oh my so many choices. You keep making me make decisions. :confused:
    Geflin likes this.
  7. Geflin

    Geflin User

    How's about a white n black fur suit to go with your current black n white fur suit? Or would that be a black and white fur suit to go with your current white and black fur suit? Now I see why you hate making decisions:confused: Back on topic....have noticed that the glitches seem to be heavier at certain times of the day, so server issues and load may well be a big part. But that doesn't alter the frustrations behind the log in and loading issues during special events. One would think that BP/RC would have the resources to debug a bit faster and more completely than seems par for the course in RC.
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Agreed there does seem to be a time facto involved. Could be load on the network also? Either ours or theirs. Good observation. Might explain why our Aussie friends have so few issues while the US and European's seem to have more. We have more peak time overlap. Would be interesting to see a graph of Users vs time and Issues vs time. Quite sure we would never be allowed to see this data, it would be classified as proprietary.
  9. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Today, system running smooth as bacon grease through a goose (ugh at that mental image). Seriously, it has been a long time since my city loaded this fast and this well. Perhaps the white rabbit finally got to his important date and told the members of the tea party all the troubles he heard of hopping through wonderland?
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