FAQ Errors

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Idaliah, Feb 16, 2014.

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  1. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    kishar likes this.
  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    common mistake :) fixed.
    kishar likes this.
  3. Dollars2

    Dollars2 User

  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Can you please explain how you arrived to this conclusion and which other buildings are you referring to?
    We only admit correct based on facts and proof not educated guesses.
    kishar likes this.
  5. Dollars2

    Dollars2 User

    I have a level 3 epressionist villa. That is what it shows when i look at the 5 mastery levels for it. the amounts needed are right but the rewards are off. go ahead and look at my harbor area to see it if you want to check.
    Dollars202 | ID 1328594
    kishar likes this.
  6. https://board-en.risingcities.com/threads/residential-buildings.1123/page-4#post-434641

    No number of residents is given for Contemporary Apartments or Hacienda.


    Also there is an error in the cost of building a Mountainside Lodge.


    In the second post on this page some of the names do not match with the names used in the posts for each residence.


    In the second post on this page, there is a typo of 'Contry', which should be 'Country'.


    In the first post on this page, there are quite a few products missing, I think they are all related to the Mountain playfield.

    Thanks for these FAQs Wizz, they've been really helpful, I'm just being really picky with these things.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
    kishar likes this.
  7. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User


    unable to find the error, please be more specific

    this FAQ has not been updated yet. it will be updated in the future.
    kishar likes this.
  8. In this post, some of the names used are different to the names used in the game and in the posts later in the thread.

    eg. the post linked above says 'Small Prefab Home', whereas the term used in the game and in this post is 'Prefab Home'.

    This is just an example and is not the only occurrence. Hope this makes it clear what I'm talking about.
    kishar likes this.
  9. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    As the game is in continuous development names have changed and can change Residential names have changed with the introduction of mastery system but they are basically the same building.
    We try to keep up the consistency of the game but this is not an easy task. What you have pointed out is not on our priority list at the moment.
    kishar likes this.
  10. In the Birthday Event, the FAQ says at Levels 25 to 75, you get one Red Tulip Flowerbed but you get two.

    kishar likes this.
  11. fixed thanks for letting us know
    Happy gaming
    kishar likes this.
  12. SomeXDude

    SomeXDude User

    The Event FAQ for Ancient Festival https://board-en.risingcities.com/threads/weekly-event-ancient-festival.3601/ is wrong at the part where it shows the lumber and log requirements at stage 1 for level 20 - 24. It shows 200 lumber and logs required but it is actually 300 each. 2 out of 3 rewards shown are also wrong. It shows 2500 xp but it is actually 3000 xp and it shows 5000 city credits but it is actually 10,000 production points.

    Here are the links as proof:

    kishar likes this.
  13. Thanks for letting us know SomeXDude this has been fixed
    Happy gaming
    kishar likes this.
  14. SomeXDude

    SomeXDude User

    The fix has been done except for one thing there. It shows 10,000 city credits as reward but it is meant to show 10,000 production points as reward.

    Ancient Festival level 20 -24 ( https://board-en.risingcities.com/threads/weekly-event-ancient-festival.3601/ )

    Stage 2:

    errors - 400 lumber and 400 log. 5000 xp and 5000 production points.
    correction - 500 lumber and 500 log. 7500 xp and 10,000 education points.
    proof - http://prntscr.com/4dbc7n

    Stage 3:

    errors - 160 rolls, 7,500 xp and 7,500 education points.
    correction - 240 rolls, 10,000 xp and 1 bar (epic).
    proof - http://prntscr.com/4dby8i

    Stage 4:

    errors - 720 potatoes, 960 carrots and 10,000 xp.
    correction - 800 potatoes, 1200 carrots and 15,000 xp.
    proof - http://prntscr.com/4dg1z7

    Stage 5:

    error - 15,000 xp
    correction - 20,000 xp
    proof - http://prntscr.com/4dbepr
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
    kishar likes this.
  15. kamilcom7

    kamilcom7 User

    kishar likes this.
  16. kishar likes this.
  17. SomeXDude

    SomeXDude User

    the errors i posted earlier need to be fixed too.
    kishar likes this.
  18. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    FAQ has been corrected.
    Thank You.
    kishar likes this.
  19. SomeXDude

    SomeXDude User

    The following fixes still need to be done.....

    Stage 2:

    errors - 5000 production points.
    correction - 10,000 education points.
    proof - http://prntscr.com/4dbcdf

    Stage 3:

    errors - 7,500 education points.
    correction - 1 bar (epic).
    proof - http://prntscr.com/4dbeja
    kishar likes this.
  20. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    These have also been corrected.

    We are aware that several images are missing from our FAQs and we are working to correct and replace them.
    Thank you.
    kishar likes this.